Healthy Eating and Snacks

As most know, I have 2 older grandchildren that I write about fairly frequently.  It seems as though the older they get , the more they are fixated on snacking all day long!   I know from raising my own children, that the teenage years can literally make you feel as though you need to take out a personal loan just to be able to feed them on a daily basis.  I am certain there must be some type of science behind why they start eating exorbitant amounts of food when they reach puberty, but to be honest with you, it is irrelevant to me. My focus is on how to feed them without breaking the bank and to get them to develop healthy eating habits. read more

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$30 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Check out this AMAZING Giveaway!! 
 These are the coolest water bottles I have ever seen for kids!!
Giveaway ends 8/5

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Gululu! The Summer Hydration Helper!

This summer has been extremely hot!!  It is always important we keep our kids hydrated, it seems as though this summer it has been a huge task!    It’s no secret that most children need an incentive to remember to drink when they are busy playing at the park, swimming at the beach, and hanging out with friends. Sometimes we choose to give our kids drinks that are high in sugar and not as healthy as we would like in an effort to get them to drink, when we could be doing something radically different — like giving our child a Gululu interactive water bottle instead! Gululu helps to remind your child to drink more water through a tamagucci-like pet that grows when children drink! Parents can be sure it is working by tracking progress on the app! Learn more below! read more

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