
Category Archives: Raising Our Granddaughters

Grandparents Raising Teenagers / Update

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It has been months since I gave an update on raising our 2 oldest granddaughters.   I will start with a quick recap of how we got to this point in life.  About 8 years ago, our oldest daughter started her fight with addiction and she brought her girls to live with their Papa and I.  […]

UPDATE: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

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It has been months since I wrote a heartfelt blog post.  I find myself feeling all kinds of crazy emotions lately, so I figured now was a great time to start getting back to what I originally created this blog around. I am a grandparent raising grandchildren.   The crazy part of that statement is […]

Grandparent Types

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I wonder how many types of grandparents are out there? What category do you fit into? I figured I’d take a few minutes today and write about some of the different types of grandparents, my husband and I are.   I really think we’re run the full gamut of grandparent types. We are “parents” again […]


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PUBLIC SCHOOL OR HOME SCHOOL??  That is the question of the week!! I have 2 granddaughters that I pulled from the public school system last year, They were headed into 4th and 6th grade.  I am going to be bold faced honest here, I was scared to death to home-school them!! Yet, I was just […]

K12 End of Year Outing

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Here is the great thing about being a student within TNVA, several times a year they have what they call Outing days.   This past week , we had one scheduled where we were meeting up at a park about 30 minutes from my house, TNVA does their best to pick locations that will work for […]

More on K12 Homeschooling

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It feels like forever since I last made a post about our Homeschool adventures! Maybe that is because it really has been awhile since I was last on here with any updates.  Needless to say, I have been a little busy. We have just finished up the 3rd quarter, and the girls are taking Benchmark […]

K12 Homeschool , we have began!!

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I started homeschooling both my 4th and 6th grade granddaughters this  last week, with the help of their mom.   I figured I would put a short post out there about it , just to update y’all a little bit of what our new classroom looks like.                 […]

Summer Time Updates! Twins and more!

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We have lots of exciting news in our family, so I thought it was time I share with my followers what is going on in the world of Nana and family!! Our late Spring/ early Summer started out with BOTH my daughters pregnant at the same time!!   They were only a couple weeks apart […]