All-Natural Tips for Cleaner Indoor Air and Healthier

As parents and grandparents, our top job is to do everything we can to keep kids safe and healthy. What many caregivers don’t always realize is that the air inside our homes can harbor pollutants and allergens that make kids sick. These pollutants often come from hidden sources and are dispersed in the air we breathe. This is why caregivers need to know where these pollutants come from and how we can clean the air in our homes to keep kids healthier.

How Does Air Affect Kids’ Health?

Indoor air pollution can come from dust mites, air fresheners, disinfectants, carbon monoxide, and paint, just to name a few of the many sources. Whatever the source may be, there are two main reasons why kids are at greater risk of health problems from indoor air. One reason is that a child’s immune system and lungs are still developing, making them more susceptible to respiratory problems and illness. Another reason is that kids are more exposed to these pollutants. Small children crawl and play on the floor, so they spend more time in close contact with the dust and other pollutants that settle in. read more

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