2019 Howl-O-Ween Hop
October 8, 2019

I am excited to have partnered with a TON of other bloggers to bring you this Howl-O-Ween Blog Hop yet again this year!!!
Giveaway runs from 10/8/19 to 10/22/19
I am in middle Tennessee and we have had record temperatures all Fall season so far, but I am thankful that this week we have finally cooled down into the 60’s and 70’s!! Maybe by the time that Halloween gets here, it will be still be nice and cool!!
I have a 13 yr old, 12 yr old, 3 yr old, three 2 yr olds., and a newborn grandchildren to celebrate Halloween with this year!! Oh what fun it should be!! I live in a neighborhood that sadly doesn’t get a lot of trick or treaters, so having grandchildren to celebrate with makes the holiday enjoyable.
Halloween is always the kick off to my favorite time of year! I absolutely LOVE the holiday season that follows. I have decided to giveaway a $10 Gift Card for my part of this Blog Hop, so maybe it will help one of my followers help kick off their holiday spending time of year with some free $$

NOW that you have entered to win the PayPal gift card on my part of the giveaway…..Grab your favorite beverage, a comfy spot and go enter to win all the other blogs listed below with the Amazing Giveaways they are doing!!!
We go out with the kids and then we come home and hand out candy.
I hand out candy for Halloween.
We decorate we have candy ready but we never seem to get trick or treaters
I go trick or treating with my grandsons.
We decorate the house and go out with the kids.
We usually go to Trunk or Treat at a local church.
I hand out candy for awhile. I love to see all the great kid costumes.
We don’t hand out candy. We just usually sit at home and watch scary movies.
We hand out candy.
I will sometimes stay at home and give out candy but this year I will be trick or treating with my nieces!
Usually go out for fireworks. No one really trick or treats on our street, it’s well decorated but quiet.
My kids are older. I love handing out candy for Halloween, but we don’t get too many trick or treaters in my neighborhood.
I go camping on Halloween and we hand out candy at the campground.
No kids and no kids around here to come by.
Thanks for the contest.
We hand out candy before we go to work.
I’m usually working so no I don’t.
We hand out candy!
We’re not really in a neighborhood for handing out candy, so we just buy it and eat it ourselves 🙂
We take my son and sister trick or treating
I do decorate and hand out candy. I try to scare some kids as well 🙂
My husband will be taking my daughter trick or treating while I hand out candy. She is dressing up as a pirate. After she goes to bed we’ll watch a horror movie.
We stay home. We live so far out that nobody comes around. I try and have some candy in case the kids being the grandkids over.
I decorate and stay home to hand out candy.
We always decorate and hand out candy. Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I hand out candy. My younger kids usually go trick or treating with their older siblings and we have a trunk or treat at our church.
I take my kids trick or treating
If we stay at home, we hand out candy.
We decorate, I take the lids out and hubby hands out treats.
We give out candy. 🙂
we take the kids out for candy, where we live they dont do trick or treating, so we have to go to the next town over, we do a little decorating, nothing overboard
I don’t give out candies.
I don’t hand out candy because I take my daughter trunk-or-treating at an event held every Halloween in our town.
I do not hand out candy for Halloween. Fur Baby and I turn the lights out and stay home. I don’t decorate. I have no children at home to go to Halloween events with
I never have kids come to my house for candy! I don’t have any close neighbors!
I always go all out for Halloween, it’s by far my most favorite holiday. I decorate the house, leave candy out for trick or treaters and take my son around to trick or treat the neighbors.
I will stay home and the lights will be turned off.
Do you hand out candy for Halloween? Do you stay home, turn lights off, decorate your house, go out with kids to Halloween events for Halloween?
there is very little action where i live..the smart kids head to upper middle class…im a horrorthon movie watcher myself
On Halloween we decorate our house, leave the porch light on and wait for trick or treaters. My husband and I love handing out candy.
We leave a big bowl of candy on our porch. We take out kids house to house for trick-or-treating.
We put up a few decorations and we give out candy. We stop around 7:30-8 and watch horror movies for the rest of the night.
I have one kid who wants to go trick or treating and the other one who wants to stay home and pass out candy, so we will be doing both!
we hand out candy!!
I always hand out candy if I am at home.
We hand out candy. I like seeing the kids costumes.
We go to our friend’s house to ToT
We hand out candy each year
I take my grand kids trick or treating
Nobody comes to the neighborhood for candy, so I don’t give out any and I don’t decorate.
We sometimes have parties, this year though we’ll be handing out candy.
We dress up and give the kids candy it’s always so much fun each year to do.
I do not but they do that all at the schools here I’ll do my best to give a little bit extra though to a local food charity with Halloween and all the holidays coming up this fall, if I can.
We like to watch scary movie marathons and eat candy.
Nope, only buy candy and eat that 😀
We never get any trick or treaters, but I always have candy ready just in case.
Some of my family is home but a couple of adults take the kids trick or treating. I dont think there has been a year we havent got to take the kids or some kids trick or treating.
i stay home and watch halloween movies,,our kids are all grown and we live in the country so not many kids out and about here
I decorate my home and we go to Six Flags for Halloween
We usually take our grandson to the trunk or treat at his school on Halloween.
I don’t hand out candy. We never have trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood.
We go to my in-laws to hand out candy and the kids trick or treat there. We stayed home last year and passed out candy but we only had about 15 kids total.
I go out with friends and my neighboors’ kids. We love hanging out together.
yes we hand out candy
We like seeing the costumes. We pass out candy and watch scary movies.
yes i decorate and hand out candy
We usually go with my niece trick or treating. I think afterward we will be catching the new Maleficent movie this year.
I stay home but don’t pass out candy
we usually hand out candy if we’re home
We just stay at home. No one comes. We live a rural area.
We go to the mall.
I used to take out the kids trick orr treating but now that they are older I just stay home.
I would be happy to hand out candy if I am home, but I usually have to work Halloween nights. When I am home I keep candy on hand but kids tend not to trick or treat in apartment buildings.
I don’t typically get trick-or-treaters, but I do decorate and have candy on hand just in case. Usually, I invite friends over to watch scary movies and eat spooky treats.
Yes we plan on dressing up and passing out candy and my hubby will take the kids trick or treating.
Go to an indoor activity center where a variety of festivities are held.
I will not be allowing any trick-or-treating this year because there are too much trouble out there, and it is far easier and way more fun having a party.
I dress up and hand out candy.