April 5, 2022
April Showers brings May Flowers. I have heard that saying since I was a kid. I never really saw the effects of it until I moved to the middle of the country. I have lived in middle Tennessee for about 22 years now and I love watching the seasons change. Now having said that , with the rain and changing of the seasons, we also tend to see big storms come through. For the most part, we don’t get bad weather where we are located. I love driving down the road starting in April and you will see these beautiful yellow flowers popping up everywhere. When I first moved here I had no clue what they were, I would see them all along the highways and in the front of peoples yards. Now I know that spring is upon us when we see them and of course have learned that they are called Daffodils or Buttercups. One of these days I will get some planted in my flower garden.