About Me
I am a mom of 3 beautiful children and Nana to 13 amazing grandchildren. I have been married to my best friend for 28 years. My husband and I raised our own children, and then we raised our two oldest granddaughters for 10 years. They are now 17 & 18 and have moved home with their mom. Raising our granddaughters, was an interesting experience to say the least! It was exhausting at times, but so worth it! They always helped to keep their Nana and Papa young!
I want to tell you a little bit about me and my family.
Our youngest son has owned his own business for several years. He is very much an entrepreneur. He has an amazing talent and a bright future. We are very proud of the young man he has become. Our oldest daughter, Crystal, has had a rough time over the past 10 years, but I am happy and proud to say that she is on the path to putting her life back together. She has recently became engaged and is a stay at home mom to our twin grandchildren. Our middle daughter, Tiffany, has 2 beautiful daughters, an active 5 year old son and her youngest son is just over a year old. She is finishing up college and getting ready to start her RN program. Four of our thirteen grandchildren are special needs. We have 3 that are on the autistic spectrum, in addition to some other diagnosis. Each and every one of them is extremely smart and it is amazing to watch each one learn how to navigate their world. I think we learn as much from them, as they learn from us. Then we add into the mix, 3 fur babies, Hannah and my son’s 2 dogs, Link & Lucy, and it makes for a loud and rambunctious household. Our home is filled with lots of love, laughter, and laundry. We live life with Christ in the center of it, and although sometimes we fall short of what He wants for us, we are constantly striving to be more like Him each day. I think that is all anybody can do.
I have been a Product Tester and Reviewer for well over 10 years now, and occasionally you will see that included on this blog. As my blog title suggests, you might also see some of my ramblings. I hope to give others some insight as to what it has been like to be a grandparent raising grandchildren and still be a “Nana” to the rest of our huge crew. In addition to that, I live with Chronic Pain and you will see some information on what life is like with that condition. I almost always have some type of giveaway going on here on the blog, so be sure to check that out while you are here.
My goal with this blog is to maybe give some insight as to how life is as a grandparent raising grandchildren. I pray that this blog helps some parents, and/or grandparents out there to see there are other people out there with the same struggles. I hope to get your comments on my posts, so that we can share our experiences together. I am certain you will see a lot of my ramblings about life as you read through my weekly/monthly experiences. I will also be introducing you to some amazing products that I personally have received and my honest thoughts and opinions of those products.
I hope you enjoy your time here with me at FROG Reviews and Ramblings!!!

Sandy I also am a grandmother and I have 2 great grandbabies with another one due in Feb. I was a single mom with 6 children for 8 years. I loved reading your blog.
Sandy i love your life. You’ve done so well. I’m proud of you like youre MY little Sis.. And can i be a product tester?
Coming along nicely!
You are such a fantastic Nana and Mama!
I am a grandma of one that I don’t get to see too often Life gets in the way when you are dealing with split familes and drugs sadly. I hope to be able to see him more this year. I love your blog and all your wonderful writings.
Beautiful family!
How fun and exciting to have everyone so close. We have a full house as well, with 9 of our 10 kids still at home. My oldest moved last December, and we are all excited to see her when she visits this December. 😀
You’re post is fabulous!! Thank you for sharing!
So full of fun, life and love 🙂 Keep the posts and your insights coming hun!
Love you bio, your page looks great.
From one Nana to another Nana GRANDCHILDREN are awesome I head to Chicago in 9 days to spend christmas with my daughter and my grandsons 2 & 4 yrs.I cant’s wait I hope you all have a Merry Christmas ~Kassee Lane