April Showers Giveaway Hop
April 5, 2022

April Showers brings May Flowers. I have heard that saying since I was a kid. I never really saw the effects of it until I moved to the middle of the country. I have lived in middle Tennessee for about 22 years now and I love watching the seasons change. Now having said that , with the rain and changing of the seasons, we also tend to see big storms come through. For the most part, we don’t get bad weather where we are located. I love driving down the road starting in April and you will see these beautiful yellow flowers popping up everywhere. When I first moved here I had no clue what they were, I would see them all along the highways and in the front of peoples yards. Now I know that spring is upon us when we see them and of course have learned that they are called Daffodils or Buttercups. One of these days I will get some planted in my flower garden.
So that is my little information session on what April Showers means to me. Let’s get on with the true reason for this post and I am sure what y’all been waiting for. The Giveaway Blog Hop!! Below you will find the entry for my part in the Blog Hop….You can ENTER TO WIN A $10 AMAZON GIFT CARD!! When you are done entering my part of the giveaway, be sure to click on the other blogs listed at the bottom of this post! Each one of them have their own giveaways going on…you will see a TON OF DIFFERENT THINGS LISTED on each of their blogs!!


We get snow round Nov. and we still have it now.
Winter usually starts in December and it usually stays pretty gloomy through March.
Winter has started in our area as early as Halloween but usually it is December and it has lasted as late as Mother’s Day but usually it is mid April
Usually in December and we don’t get snow.
We usually get snow around November.
I think it varies each year!
Winter normally starts in December, sometimes January and we don’t get any snow. I like in Texas, it’s so rare when we get snow
Winter hits us pretty hard here in Michigan. We still have snow in our upcoming forecast and most of us are pretty tired of it lol.
We start getting snow here in NY usually in November. Sometimes flurries in October. Usually sticks around until end of March. Pretty sure its over for now.
No snow here. It’s rare.
The snowing starts in Nov.
Winter can start in November here in NY.
Winter hits us around Thanksgiving/Christmas. We get snow but usually not too much.
winter hits here by November this year we got way more snow than we have had in years I would say in total about 4-5 ft this year
In MN winter seems to last forever! It was snowing this morning! In April!!
Winter usually hits in November but it has snowed on Halloween before. It’s both sunny & snowy here, which is one of my favorite seasonal combos 🙂
Winter usually hits us in December and lasts through March. We haven’t had much snow this year, which I was happy about.
Our winter season is usually from November through February. We rarely have snow.
We’ve had snow in September and May. Usually have lots of sunshine.
Thanks for the contest.
The snow was here from Late October and the last patches melted just a week ago.
I live in Sarasota, FL where it is nice weather year round.
I live in the Midwest…we get snow!
Winter weather is here by the end of October and we get lots and lots of snow.
We are in the Pacific Northwest. We get rain starting in early October and lasting until April or May. Occasional snow storms in November, December, January, February. The odd snow sometimes in March or April–snow is forecast this weekend, weirdly. But it is often cloudy until 4th of July. Until climate change, when fire season exploded on us early, and we just had “Santa Ana winds” in April and now I don’t know what to expect and this question is making me sad…
It’s very unpredictable here but winter usually hits in November.
No snow here. It gets very cold though.
It varies! We’ve had snow as early as October, and as late as April. This year has been quite snowy for us.
Interesting question.. Winter arrives end of November where I live in the Northeastern US.. It loves to linger around into April most years! My area pretty much always tops 100 inches of snow every season!
We sometime get snow at the end of October, it may melt in one to two days. Then in December it snows more and more. a few inches to one foot in a day. We live in New England , USA. By the end of Match most of the snow days have passed. This year it wasn’t too bad. 🙂
I live in the Mississippi Delta. We seldom get snow and we don’t have much winter weather. I have seen Christmases that I had the air conditioner on and wearing shorts while cooking Christmas dinner. Winter weather is just random for us!
Our rainy season starts around November if we are lucky. We always need more rain in Northern California
We get snow in October here and we love it. It is snowing right now and I am loving it we so need this water for fire season coming up.
We didn’t get a ton of snow. it’s been sunny
We get early snow usually in October and it has snowed as late as May where I live.
I’m in Texas. Winter comes once every 3 years. 🙂
Used to snow in October but last few years it is more like December or January. Last frost day still comes May.
Winter Hits in January usually but we do get a fair share of sunshine but really cold.
It’s still snowing here.
I live in Arizona so It stays sunny in the winter. We rarely have snow but we have a few rainy days.
Usually in October
It comes in October, and goes through February.
Winter can start anywhere between goes anywhere from between October to March usually.
Sunny Florida here! Basically never get Winter weather.
It depends in the area. In the mountains it snows and on the flat land areas it rains and sometimes ice. The winter usually comes in October and changes year to year.
I live in the Phoenix area, so it stays sunny here.
We get snow in Feb/March but usually not so much here in NC!
I live in Florida. It’s sunny, no snow.
Winter should be over..but it was cold today! Im in Kentucky! Thanks for the opportunity and good luck everyone!
Our winters are like fall in other parts of the country.
I’m too far south for snow. Frost and freeze warnings, but no snow 🙁 .
Thanks for the giveaway!
We have winter cold in January and February, and sporadically in December and March (but hever cold on Christmas day, always 60s – 80s). Never, ever snows naturally (snow machines required).
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