Jeepers It’s January Blog Hop Giveaway
January 3, 2018
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Have you heard of a Blog Hop before? It is a one stop shop for entering a TON of giveaways!
Begins 1/3 , Ends 1/17/18
I have teamed up with over 90 blogs to bring you this Hop. For my part, you can ENTER TO WIN A $10 PayPal Cash OR $10 Amazon Gift Card, your choice!
You can certainly tell it is January in most parts of the country , it has come in with a huge cold blast for 2018!!! Perfect time to grab a warm comfy blanket, curl up in your favorite spot and start ENTERING TO WIN!!!

Jeepers It’s January / $10 PayPal Cash or Amazon Gift Card
Here is where you will find all the other Blogs participating in this Blog Hop!! Remember, You can only WIN if you ENTER!!
My plans are to celebrate with my family
I had a great Christmas with my family.
My plans for Christmas this year are for it to be bigger and nicer than last year if possible.
Visiting friend and family.
I enjoyed it with my family.
We had Christmas eve at our house and went to my Sister’s house Christmas day, it was a lot of fun.
We had a family Christmas a few days early this year.
we had a quiet christmas at home
Spent it with friends and family
We visited family out of town.
Our plans for Christmas was to enjoy our family and i cooked for everyone this year. It turned out really good and everyone had a good time!
WE just stayed home this Christmas. My daughter came over and it was nice and relaxing.
We hung out with the family and just relaxed.
We share Christmas Eve with friends and then have Christmas dinner with friends as well.
i didnt do much of anything but i had a nice time connecting with my kids!
I was home with all 5 of my kids and we had a beautiful Christmas together.
We opened up presents as a family and then we baked cookies and watched movies on Christmas.
Had relatives over! We had a huge gathering and dinner
We had a family celebration at our house this year and will be the same next year.
We started off at my parents house then went to my Fiance’s Sister’s house
Getting together with the family
I enjoyed Christmas with my family.
We went to my son and daughter in laws Christmas Eve then on Christmas Day I got to spend it with my newborn grandson!
I had dinner at my mom’s.
we had a wonderful holiday with all ofour family and friends. I hope you did as well
My plans are to celebrate Christmas this year with my sister who just found out she has cancer and I am hoping she will be here.
I really don’t have any plans for Christmas this year
We just celebrate with the family, nothing too big.
My sister and her kids came to stay with me. Thank you for the chance to win!
We spend the day with my family at my parents’ house on Christmas.
This Christmas we had lots of family time! It was wonderful!
I had no plans for Christmas and stayed home.
for christmas we woke up did presents with my little girl , prayed, ate breakfast and then meet the family at our aunts house for a christmas gathering
I brought my son to celebrate Christmas party at my sister house
Thank You for the chance!
This year or last year? I like spending time with 2 groups of friends on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Thanks for the contest.
As always, celebrate with family.
We opened presents at home then went to my parent’s house to meet my brother’s families and have Christmas dinner
We spent Christmas Eve at my daughters opening gifts, then everyone came to our house on Christmas day for dinner.
Commenting with the wrong email yesterday! Doh! I had dinner at my mom’s.
We actually did what we always do big dinner Christmas eve with the uncles and aunts and cousins and intimate breakfast at home 🙂 of course we did open presents Christmas eve to lol
we stayed home this Christmas
We traveled to my parents house for Christmas and spent some much needed family time!
I spent Christmas at my Mom’s with family
I enjoyed the company of my mom, sons, granddaughters, friends….it was nice and peaceful. Happy New Year!!!
spent it with family
just spending time with the famliy
I spent it with family
I spent Christmas with my family
I spent Christmas with my boyfriend and his family.
My family came here for Christmas dinner.
It just passed. Just stayed in the house, it was really cold this year. I did make a nice big family meal.
Spent time with family. I hosted a Christmas dinner for my extended family.
My mother moved in with us in September, so this was our first Christmas in many years together. We stayed home and enjoyed being with each other. It was lovely.
Stayed home with my son. All family lives elsewhere.
Spent it surrounded by family – couldn’t have asked for a better holiday! 🙂
Spend time with my family
we stayed home this christmas
Hopefully getting to visit family
Celebrate with family and friends!
Hanging out with family and just enjoying some rest.
I went to visit family out of town
We had a great Christmas at our son’s house with the entire family!!!
I always travel to Kansas to visit my family at Christmas!
Christmas was fabulous- at the in laws on Eve and then my mom’s on Day. Great Christmas!
We spent Christmas morning at home opening gifts with our kids. After that, we traveled to my parents’ house to see them, my siblings, and their kids.
Sadly, Christmas has come and gone. I celebrated with my family and it was a lovely day!
We enjoyed spending time together with family and friends.
We just spent time at home.
getting together with family
I just look forward always to spending the time with my family.
Christmas Eve I had to work so Christmas Day I spent with family.
Christmas is over but I visited my brother in Los Angeles
My plans was to stay home with my family
We had a great Christmas, but it went by way too fast!
Our Christmas was not so great this year. Everybody was sick!
I don’t know, it’s only January! We will probably celebrate with family as usual.
We have family and friends over for a dinner and then go to the park to see the beautiful lights.
We celebrated Christmas with my Sister who flew in from out of town!
My plans for Christmas this year (2018)…I don’t know yet. I’ll probably hang out with my family. Thanks for the giveaway!
Same as every year, to rule the wor…err, to go over to my sister’s house for dinner with all the family.
We always host a gathering for family and friends on Christmas Eve.
I am hosting my family this year!
This year I spent time home with family.
It’s too early to make plans for Christmas this year.
Nothing to out of the ordinary. Spending time with family and friends
We don’t have any big plans besides spending time off work with family.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
My sister and I spent Christmas eve and Christmas day together at my house. We had a nice Christmas dinner and more goodies to nosh on than we needed
We spent Christmas at home with family. It was very relaxing!
My plans are being with family, enjoying the carols and food.
We had an awesome Christmas with all of our family
Stay at home ,a family member is ill. So every one is coming to our house.
For Christmas 2018? I have no idea.
For 2017, we did some visiting and some at home. The big thing was going to Disney World.
Since it’s still over 11 months away, I have no clue.
Just stayed at home, called some family, was too cold to go anywhere lol 🙂
we spent chrstmas at home. it was a nice quiet christmas.
Everyone came to my home for a big Christmas Eve dinner this year. On Christmas, we stayed home and just enjoyed Christmas.
All of my sons and their familes came to my house. Over the course of the week someone was here. Just two days where they were all together.
We had no plans
My plans are to spend more time with my grandson.
I’ll be visiting family. Not sure which ones, yet.
We spent Christmas Eve with the in-laws and Christmas day with my folks. Great company and food were had. 🙂
Were going to celebrate with my family like we do every year its so much fun
I have no plans for Christmas this year
I spend time with my family every Christmas.
spending time with family
just be with family
To spend time with family, like I always do.
We had a big family dinner at Christmas this year.
For Christmas I spent time at home with my family and had a delicious meal.
We hosted a Christmas Day dinner for our family.
Christmas Dinner was brought to us.
We spent Christmas Day playing board games and having dinner at my Moms this year.
I enjoyed a long, quiet day with my family opening presents and watching bad horror movies 🙂
CHristmas in 2018 should be pretty much the same. Hope to celebrate with loved ones.
We spent time with family for Christmas.
We are staying in and celebrating at home.
We are having Christmas at home.
I don’t celebrate Christmas.
We had a nice family dinner and enjoyed visiting. My oldest daughter had to work so we had a very early breakfast and opened some presents before she left for the group home and then we had a tasty dinner all together!
We enjoyed a lot of family time at Christmas.
I had a great Christmas dinner with family.
We went to my mom’s for Christmas Eve with my family, then we came back home and had Christmas with our oldest daughter & son in law. We went to my husbands parents on Christmas day.
We spent Christmas at our house and my kids and grandkids came to visit
Our plans are to spend Christmas at home with the family.
I had a Great Christmas. I got to spend it with my Grandmother. She was like a kid in a candy store opening her presents. She came down ill New Years and passed from this mean elderly pneumonia. Please – the signs arent really much because she didnt act sick or anything but keep a eye on the elderly around you. This stuff isnt anything to contend with. Id hate to see anyone else go thru this especially not knowing what is happening with them and ignore it.
I went to Ohio to see my family
Is this ending today 1/17 or in 31 days like the form says?????
I’ll be home with my husband, children, and dog.
Just fully over it right now. We met up with family and had a nice baked ham and serve up some gifts.
We had the kids open presents at our house, than we went to my in laws and had more presents and a nice dinner
This year was a laid back Christmas at home with family but was great
We stayed home with our family and had a nice Christmas.
We stayed home for Christmas and enjoy a big breakfast after the kids open up their gifts. Then we stay in pjs and play with all the new toys while watching Christmas movies!
We stayed home and celebrated with family.
Family Dinner and movies.