Learn To Sew and Crochet

My first grandchild was born 12 years ago, and i can remember the day I got the news how excited I was.   The very first thing I wanted to do was crochet a baby blanket for her! The problem was that I hadn’t crocheted since I was a kid.   I had always wanted to learn how to do it better, yet just never found the time.

I was blessed enough to know a dear friend who taught me some basic stitches, and I managed to come up with a small blanket.   I have to admit though, it took me the entire pregnancy to make one small little baby blanket, but hey, I got it done!! I was so proud of myself…you honestly would have thought I made the Mona Lisa with yarn!I have

I  have since had 5 more grandchildren, and I wish I could tell you that I made each one of them a blanket, but that just isn’t the case.  I have been seriously thinking lately that I want to start crocheting again, and would love to learn how to sew.

Four of my grandchildren are ages 2 and under.   One of my daughters has a set of twins, and I honestly would love to be able to make them matching little outfits.   The other daughter, her girls are only a year apart, so matching outfits would be adorable for them as well. The problem is that when I get ready to buy any of them clothes, it is a guarantee I am going to be spending at least $60 or so.   We are on a fixed income, so that is quite a chunk out of it. Needless to say, Nana doesn’t get the thrill of getting to purchase very many new things for any of the grand babies.

My thought process is , if I learn how to sew, then I could make those outfits so much cheaper.   Plus, I could make super cool Halloween outfits!! We have always done homemade Halloween costumes , but never had the advantage of a sewing machine to make them even cooler!   I know with the cost of materials, that isn’t always the case. However, because I have so many that need clothes, I think it would be. There is the added benefit that it would keep me busy and give me an opportunity to teach my older grandchildren to sew themselves.   I never had that as a child, so I think that would be awesome to do for my grands!

The question becomes, how do I learn how to sew?    There are no classes offered here in my area, if that is even such a thing, as I have checked.  The only option I can think of is what my son refers to as “the school of YouTube”. Now don’t laugh, I have actually learned to do quite a bit by using YouTube, and I am sure there are quite a few that are reading this article that have done it as well!!   To be honest, that is more than likely how I will end up learning, if I choose to jump on this bandwagon with both feet. Then the next decision is how to know what sewing machine meets the needs of what I want to do? I know I could just willy nilly go out there and purchase one, and hope that it does all that I need.   I am a “before you do it, research it” kind of person. I don’t really want to spend hours upon hours researching different sewing machines, thankfully I found somebody who has already done that for you. Click here to figure out what is the best sewing machine for you, the benefits of each one and the current costs.

Now all I have left to do is to start saving for this next endeavor in life and see if I want to follow through on learning to sew.   I want to do this before the youngest grand babies are still little. Hopefully as I said earlier, I can interest the older girls (ages 11 and 12) to have an interest in it, which will give me a great way to bond with them and spend some quality time together!

Photo credit goes to:  Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

Tell me , do you sew?    If you do, how did you learn?   Who do you sew for? I would love to hear from y’all on where you are on this subject!!!   Please be sure to comment below!!

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One Reply to “Learn To Sew and Crochet”

  • I had a sewing class way back in high school, unfortunately the knowledge did not stick. Fast forward 35 or so years and my daughter asks for and receives a sewing machine for Christmas. The “school of you tube” has her making all kinds of things for my grandbabies and me extremely jealous.

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