Let’s Get Lucky Giveaway Hop

Giveaway runs from 3/8/22 to 3/22/22

I am excited to bring to my followers yet another incredible Giveaway Blog Hop!! You will find a list of over 35 blogs that have their own individual giveaways going on!! So for you…that means a TON OF CHANCES TO WIN a variety of giveaways!!
With gas prices through the roof right now….this is a wonderful chance to win some free stuff…including PayPal Cash, Amazon Cash and a ton of other prizes. So take a seat, grab your favorite beverage and start entering to win today!!


$10 Amazon Gift Card / Let’s Get Lucky Giveaway Hop

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53 Replies to “Let’s Get Lucky Giveaway Hop”

  • We really don’t get a lot of winter weather here in New Orleans. We mostly stay warm in the winter. We already having spring like weather here which I love.

  • It starts to get cold here in November and we may get a flurry or two before Christmas but we usually don’t see ant significant snow until January. I have lived in this are all of my life and I remember getting a lot more snow here when I was an adolescent and teenager

  • No Winter here in Florida we get a couple days of 60 in the daytime and everyone is crying

  • It starts getting cold here in late November. Since I live in central Florida we don’t get snow.

  • Winter usually starts around November and if we are lucky it will be over by the end of March. I’m tired of snow this year. I want warm weather soon!

  • We’ll get snow in December, but it won’t always stick. Usually it snows regularly between January and February, and we don’t see the grass until March.

  • I am in central OH, USA. Winter usually hits us in December and we get snow. Our spring is starting soon.

  • We are in the Midwest and we usually do get quite a bit of snow–though this year not as much as we have in the past. I love the beauty of the outdoors after a new snowfall.

  • winter hit here in early Novemeber and we have had way more snow than normal but this is Canada lol

  • It only snows here once every few years, and it only lasts for minutes. Though I grew up in the Midwest, and now I can’t stand the cold.

  • I live in Texas and our winter is different every year! We rarely get snow, maybe every 4 or 5 years

  • I live in the South, so it doesn’t get that cold here. We occasionally get snow, but usually our winters are pretty mild.

  • We don’t get a lot of sun OR snow in the winter, we get RAIN. SO. MUCH. RAIN.

  • I live in the Midwest and we definitely have snowy winters, but this year we did not get a lot of snow.

  • It snows sometimes in the winter here. But usually not much. It does get cold.

  • Winter hits where I live around the month of November. The highest amount of snow we’ve got so far this year has been 8 inches.

  • We get hit pretty hard here in Michigan! Sometimes it starts before Halloween and usually goes til April sometime. We’ve had snow in May many times. It’s usually quite dark and dreary here with not much sun.

  • Maybe climate change is for real after all; we were told repeatedly that Pullman WA. gets a lot of snow, but the two winters we’ve seen have been very mild. I think there was only one severe snow storm,that was it. We still have a few patches of snow here and there.

  • Winter seems never ending here in MN! It usually starts snowing in November or December and lasts through March or April.

  • Winter hits in December and that’s when we usually get snow. It lasts until March. We haven’t has a lot of snow this year, thankfully.

  • Winter here hits in November and we get lots of snow. It’s been a snow globe outside all day today and I’m enjoying it from indoors with hot cocoa.

  • We may have our first snow fall in October (around Halloween), and it may keep snowing off and on in to March. Some days may be sunny. Then there are days that are very cold and icy. This winter we had 12 inches of snow for one day.

  • We live in Arizona so we get cooler weather starting in December but we rarely get snow.

  • Winter hits in November. Usually we don’t get too much snow and still get some sun.

  • Winter can start anywhere from October to December. We’ve gotten about a foot of snow this year, in three storms, which is a lot for u. About 10 years ago, in February, we had a low temperature of -17°-one week later it was 78°!

  • We get our first rain usually around Halloween and then it gets cold, we don’t get snow here. It’s not really sunny in winter but much better than most other states

  • It’s Florida, so cold, rainy, and stormy winters, but the closest it gets to snow is frost and black ice.

  • Winter hits here usually middle of November and can stay from March to even May. We love winter but some years, it is just a little too long. We are ready for spring this year.

  • We actually had more snow than usual this year. Thanks for the opportunity and good luck everyone!

  • I live in the Phoenix area, so we don’t get snow. It’s mostly sunny during the winter.

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my post be sure to comment below!