Rain Rain Go Away Giveaway

It is Spring Time, which means it is time for the annual

Rain, Rain Go Away Giveaway Blog Hop!!

Giveaway runs from 4/10 to 4/24/18

I love Springtime, because it is a time for new beginnings.  Time to get out of the houses that we have been locked up in all winter, and get out to enjoy the weather!  Be sure to tell me below what is your favorite thing about springtime!

It is also the time of year that I participate in this huge Blog Hop with over 100 Blogs participating!, A chance to win some incredible stuff!!

You can start here by entering to win $10 PayPal cash!

Rain Rain Go Away $10 PayPal Cash

Don’t forget to stop by the blogs listed below and enter each giveaway.  You will see a huge variety of giveaways, all in one location!   One stop shopping!!

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  1. jodi Hassel says:

    Spring is in the 70s and beautiful

  2. sandra says:

    it’s in the 40s/50s today

  3. Angelica Dimeo says:

    The weather here has been kinda chilly for spring

  4. Natalie says:

    It certainly does not feel like spring here. It is snowing today and we got 4 inches earlier last week.

  5. Christina Sparks says:

    I enjoy your site and thank you for your review.

  6. Calvin says:

    I have been on your site for 2 years!

  7. Calvin says:

    Doesn’t feel like spring yet.. windy

  8. Lisa Brown says:

    it is sunny but a little chilly, going to get warm soon.

  9. Jayne says:

    Ususally the spring weather in Tulsa is on the warm side with lots of stormy weather going on. This year, it’s been cold and dry and no storms.

  10. HS says:

    We are seeing some snow, can’t wait for Spring.

  11. Fee Roberts says:

    It’s been storming all day 🙁

  12. wendy hutton says:

    it finally has gotten warmer here and about 1/2 the snow is melted

  13. Lisa Williams says:

    The Spring weather here has been windy,rainy,and lots of mud puddles with one or two partly sunny days thrown in.

  14. Nancy says:

    The weather here is mostly sunny and warming up a little.

  15. Terri S says:

    It has been cold and still snowing at times!! But it is suppose to start warming up a bit by this weekend.

  16. Jackie says:

    Today was pretty chilly, but it suppose to be up to 75 degrees Sunday, then in the low 50’s on Sunday. Last week we had snow. Crazy weather here.

  17. Ann Fantom says:

    It has been cold with too many snow showers here in NY

  18. Molli Taylor says:

    im in portland, and spring is still pretty rainy here, but i love when the sun pokes through.

  19. Judy Cox says:

    Here in Louisiana, the weather is warming up and the nights are a little cool, but okay!!

  20. Rachel says:

    It’s been cold with a few scattered flurries here in the Midwest.

  21. Annamarie V says:

    It has been very rainy it’s like we skipped Spring and Summer and went straight to October.

  22. shelly peterson says:

    We are having a lot of rain right now.

  23. Sara Perrera says:

    It’s been way too cold. We even had snow in April.

  24. kate v says:

    Right now its still very cold!

  25. Elena says:

    The weather is nice and sunny in California

  26. sheila ressel says:

    It’s in the 70’s here in central Florida. Very nice!

  27. I love this giveaway hop, as it gives so many ways to get to know new blogs and their amazing stories they blog about.

  28. James Robert says:

    It is trying to be spring and we get a few nice days then back to snow and cold weather

  29. Andrea Darst says:

    Sadly, “Spring” weather has been cold (20’s – 30’s) and rainy/snowy. Today is in the 50’s though, but we’re supposed to have more snow this weekend.

  30. Soha Molina says:

    Hot and windy

  31. We had snow on Monday and suppose to be 75 by Friday.

  32. Kelly m says:

    It’s chilly now!!

  33. Cheryl B says:

    Today was cold with a high of 40

  34. Darlene Carbajal says:

    It’s very warm and windy!

  35. Tracy Shafer says:

    I live in Oregon, so it’s usually in the 50’s and rainy.

  36. Susan Hartman says:

    I live in Northern New Jersey. Normally winter starts breaking in March and by April its in the 50s. Unfortunately its snowed 2x this April so far.

  37. Amanda Rauch says:

    A few days ago it was 74 degrees. Now it is cold and rainy and gray and foggy.

  38. Susan says:

    It is still snowing here. I can’t wait for it to stop.

  39. Deborah W. says:

    Spring has been crazy here in southwestern Ohio. We’ve had snow, rain, cold and today it’ll be in the 70s. Monday back to more snow mixed with rain, yuck!

  40. Debra Guillen says:

    The weather is very up and down right now…65 one day and snow the next.

  41. Kelly Nicholson says:

    What is Spring weather like where your located?

    mid 70’s in the afternoon…we will be pushing 80’s in afew weeks

  42. Rebecca says:

    Today the high is 77. It’s the first gorgeous day we’ve had though! Unfortunately, it will be in the high 40’s again in a couple of days.

  43. Ann says:

    I don’t know if I could define a “normal” or “typical” spring (I travel between Chicago and southern WI), but I definitely feel like we haven’t been seeing it this year! Temps have been in the mid-50s over the past day or two, but just a few days ago we were shoveling the sidewalk and making snow angels! 🙂

  44. Dee Parker says:

    Hot and dry, in Arizona.

  45. Dan Denman says:

    Right now, our weather is up and down. One day it’s 85 degrees. The next day it’s 40 degrees.

  46. Katie Bellamy says:

    Whats Spring? Still cold & snowy here!

  47. Charity Cram says:

    Spring has been eluding us here lately. I sure hope it comes soon!

  48. Nicole krutz says:

    Our weather is crazy right now….in Kansas…the last couple of days have been in the high 70s/80s and we are expecting severe thunderstorms tomorrow with tornado potential but then the weekend the temp is going to drop to the 30s and possible snow!!

  49. jennifer bowen says:

    right now cold and raining they say we going to get more snow Wisconsin has crazy weather

  50. Edye says:

    super cold and windy!

  51. Jessica Miller says:

    Well it was 74 the other day and now today its 40 and raining

  52. Sarah L says:

    Crazy Spring weather. 72 degrees one day then snow the next.
    Thanks for the contest.

  53. Amber says:

    Spring weather in the Midwest is unpredictable and often cold and rainy!

  54. Rosanne says:

    It is in the low 30’s and snowy and windy and MISERABLE. We want Spring

  55. Cynthia C says:

    The weather is different every day. Yesterday was beautiful and today is rainy and cold. There’s snow flurries in the forecast!

  56. Kelly Hanley says:

    it is snowing here

  57. Karley Moore says:

    I am in Texas and the weather is very unpredictable here. Its a hot/cold rollercoaster!

  58. Debbi Wellenstein says:

    Usually in spring, it is very nice. Flowers blooming, breezes blowing-This year-it has been really cold and then really hot. Really annoying!

  59. April says:

    It was 80 on Friday and snowing today! What’s spring? lol

  60. Antoinette M says:

    We are still getting snow!

  61. Azeem Isaahaque says:

    It is rainy here in NY

  62. Lisa says:

    Spring weather is usually sunny and 60 around here but we have barely had any nice days yet.

  63. Ashley Chassereau Parks says:

    Our weather has been odd. It has been going from cool to warm and back again. Today was a high of 64, but the next few days should be about 20 degrees warmer.

  64. Robin Abrams says:

    It is snowing here today

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my post be sure to comment below!

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