September Holiday Kickoff Giveaway Blog Hop
September 6, 2023

Are you ready for some cooler weather? Where we are located we are still having weather temperatures in the 90’s! Hopefully by the end of this month it will start cooling down. I will say that we have already have leaves falling off of the trees, so that gives me hope that Fall is right around the corner.
Here at FROG Reviews and Ramblings, we have been bringing you monthly Giveaway Blog Hops for a couple of years. We are proud to bring you yet another Blog Hop this month. For our part, the giveaway prize is a $10 Amazon Gift Card!
For those that have never participated I will give a brief explanation. You simply scroll to the bottom of this page and enter to win the giveaway going on here on this blog. Once you have finished the things on this giveaway, scroll down a little further and you will see a list of over 35 blogs that are hosting their own giveaways. Simply click on one and “hop” on over there and participate in that blog’s giveaway. Continue doing that until you have participated in each blog’s giveaway.
So grab a comfy seat and your favorite beverage and let’s get to hopping!!

Not sure when fall will arrive here in the deep south. We only get two weeks of it any ways.
Fall weather doesn’t really start here until October. Fall is definitely my favorite season.
Starts right about now! My favorite!
Fall starts here in October. My favorite season is Spring.
It starts in October. My favorite is Spring.
It seems that the weather went from 90+ yesterday to high 60’s today. So, it is September that the Fall season begins, and I am happy about it. I love Fall.
Fall starts here right after school starts.
It starts in October. I like Summer.
Fall weather usually gets very hot in September, which hasn’t happened yet…
Fall starts here in September. Fall is my favorite season with the cooler weather, colorful leaves and comfort foods.
well right now the leaves are changing and falling, but its also been in the high 80s… so i think the weather is confused
Fall weather usually starts in October in New Jersey
It’s hard to define that here near San Francisco. He get some hot days in the Summer, but they are spaced out with much cooler weather. I have spent many 4th of July holidays in a heavy coat to watch fireworks through the fog, but we tend to get more heat waves in September and October, even though the leaves change to Fall colors. So I guess September.
It feels like it already started a couple of weeks ago.
Indain summer here in California. Usually 80 degrees when I am making pies.
Normally fall starts the end of September or in October
Thanks for the giveaway. Fall starts when it finally gets cold.:)
Fall starts in September! It is already a high of 69 degrees today!
Autumn starts around October here. It is my favoritee season.
The leaves are changing and falling here and I think the weather just started changing, We are going to the mid 60s by next week.
Technically fall starts in September but we usually dont see the beautiful colors and lower temps til October. I love all things Summer.
Like Summer. Fall starts in September
Fall starts in late September here. Fall is my favorite season
Fall starts in late September here.
Well, here in Pullman WA. the leaves are just beginning to turn a bit, not enough to call it Fall, I’d say by the end of September we can call it Fall.
Fall weather starts in late September here in Northeast Louisiana, and my favorite season is summer.
Fall starts in September here. My favorite season is Fall.
In October/November in San Antonio
I’m in Kansas. Fall weather usually starts sometime in September. That is always subject to change.
In Florida, Fall is rather non existent. Fall is my favorite season when I lived up North.
I love fall – all the comfort foods and fall holidays!
We live in Northern California and we still get 100 degrees days of and on in October. I am done with it!!!
I live in South Florida and we do not really get to experience different seasons. I am just looking forward to cooler weather soon.
Fall officially begins 9/21 here, but we already have cool Fall weather in Oregon!
I live in northern Ohio so we are starting to see the leaves change colors already!
October, if we have a fall at all, we liver in south Georgia.
The weather doesn’t start til October, but I consider ‘back to school’ time fall time.
On early october for me too , thats my fav time of the year
It starts towards the end of September. October for sure.
Fall starts in September here in Michigan. We’ve already been in the 40’s when we wake up the mornings. I love September weather! It’s still nice enough in the afternoon to be outside and go for walks in a t-shirt. It’s when all the leaves start to change color too!
Fallish weather starts at the end of November around here but is usually only a day or two at a time. I miss real fall!
Fall kind of starts towards the end of September.
Early october!
It generally starts in late September.
We have fairly warm weather until November so fall doesn’t start until then. Spring is my favorite season.
october, spring
The fall season varies where I live. I like the ease of the summer and the weather of the fall and midSpring.
Fall has already started. Spring is my favorite
Sometimes Sept more so in October here in Kansas. I am looking forward to the cooler temps for sure it has been a long hot summer.
In November or December.
It should start feeling like Fall the first week of October. Just a little bit longer! Fall is my absolute fave season.