Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop
November 9, 2020

I seriously can’t believe we are at the end of 2020!??!
It has been a crazy year, as I am sure most of you will agree. What a better way to finish out this year than to enter to win in this awesome , annual event! Once again I have teamed up with some incredible bloggers to bring you this Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop.
For my part in this Giveaway Hop, I am giving you a chance to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card. Make sure you look below and enter to win….just in time for some extra Christmas shopping! When you are all done entering my giveaway, scroll to the bottom of the page and check out the list of other blogs. Each one of them is hosting their OWN giveaway…so you have TONS of chances to win ….just think of it as “One stop shopping”

We are only buying for the grandkids this year and with cases rising in our county we may not go to my son and daughter in laws on Christmas Eve like we usually do.
Yes, we are sort of having family members come in shifts (different days) rather than all at once.
Things will pretty much be the same this year.
It will only be my wife and I together this Christmas
Nothing different this year. The family is coming over and spending the day. COVID cases are down here and so many holidays have gone by uncelebrated. We don’t want to lose Christmas.
The holidays won’t be different for us this year.
I’m doing all my shopping online, which is different from other years.
I don’t think we’re doing anything different this year – we don’t tend to have big family get togethers anyway so COVID isn’t changing much
It is going to be a zoom xmas with us meeting digitally
It’ll be the same for us, our family is small
We typically only get together as a small family anyway over the holidays, so nothing will be different this year.
It will only be my husband and me this year.
Yes, we probably are sadly
We are not having any family gatherings and I am sending gift baskets through the mail via Harry and David they do a great job and then I don’t even have to go to the post office to mail my packages they do it all for me.
I will be shopping online.
We are not getting together this holiday due to Covid
Very different. No parties at all.
Thanks for the contest.
Definitely not having a big gathering this year due to COVID. Our area is finally hitting the climax of the virus and seems like everybody is testing positive around here.
Yes for sure, we are not having as much family and guest because of everything, so sad.
We will celebrate as usual. Some of the family has already had Covid so we are not worried.
We are doing the same as we usually do for Thanksgiving, we’re gong to my sons house.
We are doing more online at family gatherings. we are going to skype this year for the Holidays.
My fmaily is not very big, so we’ll probably get together.
Unfortunately I have a broken leg, so we will be zooming for Thanksgiving.
As of right now we are not getting together for the holidays.
no gatherings
Not much different than normal. We are introverts and prefer staying at home and away from people and each other! Happy Holidays everyone!
We are having less people over for the holidays just close family
We’ll be staying home this year. We usually celebrate the holidays with family.
probably not doing much this year
Yes, no parties or gatherings with friends.
Yes, we don’t be going to my in-laws for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year. Everyone is staying home and celebrating with their immediate families.
Yes! No traveling. No family traveling either. We are all staying in our homes and doing a videocall during dinner and to open presents! 🙂
Yes we will only be celebrating the holidays with family members in our household.
We will just be celebrating with our own household.
I will not be seeing any family or friends this year.
We are staying home this year and sending out Christmas cards.
I am cooking and hosting again, so nothing different.
My dad is fighting cancer and has a low immune system, so we will NOT be joining him for Christmas this year. Instead it will be a small holiday of just the three of us and will do a video chat instead.
Yes. We usually go out for Thanksgiving, but we can’t this year, no places open, other than Fast food take out. I suppose I’ll have to cook a small roast instead.
We have quarantined with my immediate family who we always have Thanksgiving with, so nothing will feel different.
Staying the same this year
Yeah, with COVID, I’m not really seeing too many people. Just not a good idea to be around large groups.
We have cancelled everything. I’m waiting on results from my daughter’s covid test.
Our plans are staying the same as usual. Generally, we stay home for Thanksgiving due to DH’s job.
We have decided not to have any gathering of our family. It will just be my husband and I. Makes me very sad!
We will eat home as usual not seeing anyone . Were keeping safe not going out at all.
Things have changed due to Covid restrictions. Smaller gatherings for Thanksgiving and we don’t know yet how we are going to handle Christmas.
I hope you and your family stay safe during this Holiday season!!
I hope you and your family stay safe during this Holiday season!! Enjoy your family time! I always tell my kids, family is the most important thing!
I hope you both have a wonderful day, despite not getting to gather together. I can only imagine how sad that would make me. Our kids and grandkids are very close to us and we see them on a regular basis, so we are all exposed to each other.
I hope you and your family stay safe during this Holiday season!!
Oh my goodness!! Prayers she is healthy and that regardless of the test results, she is ok through it! I actually had Covid at the beginning of September and it took me 2 months to recover. I was awful, awful sick!!
I hope you and your family stay safe during this Holiday season!!
I hope you and your family stay safe during this Holiday season!! Enjoy your family time! I always tell my kids, family is the most important thing!
That is how me and my family are this year. We are around each other daily, so it isn’t any different. I hope you and your family stay safe during this Holiday season!!
We’re keeping to small groups
I’m not doing anything different this year.
I’m just staying home again this year, so I’m not doing anything different. Thanks for the giveaway!
We basically just stayed home to ourselves.
No not really just staying home
Yes, we are probably opening present via skype, with family.
We are still doing family but we are cutting out the friends party the weekend before.
We will not be having the gatherings we usually have. It will probably just be my husband and I.
We will not be having the gatherings we usually have. It will probably just be my husband and I.
This year it will just be us for the Holidays.
We usually go to my grandmother’s for Christmas Eve, but I am afraid we will not be able to this year.
We are doing Christmas with only immediate family this year, nothing big.
Nothing differently here because I normally celebrate with just my immediate family.
We are doing the same thing we usually do for the holidays because it’s just us in this house and we never have anyone over. So things are still the same.
There is only going to be six of us together this year for the holidays due to Covid. I am really hoping that 2021 will be a much better year.