How My Blog Has Developed Over Time

I realized the other day that I have been blogging for 7 years as of December of this year, 2021.   It really doesn’t seem as though it has been that long.  As the saying goes, where has the time gone?   The funny part about blogging , at least my blog, is that it began with me doing one thing and then within a year or so of that, morphed into something else. I started out reviewing products for some sellers that I was working with directly and as the years went by, it has become a blog about me raising my grandchildren and all things related to parenting and/or grandparenting.  I tend to do a lot of giveaways on my blog, simple because I enjoy giving out free stuff to my followers!    read more

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Top 100 Mom Blogs

I am excited to share with you that FROG Reviews and Ramblings has made the Top 100 Mom Blogs of 2018!!


You can find the link here!

I was contacted about this honor recently, and they stated they wanted to include my blog in this listing.  I can not tell you how humbled and honored I was to be included in this list!! 

When I started my blog approximately 4 years ago, I never thought it would be where it is now.  Now that isn’t to say that I am where I would like to be yet by any means!!  However, I am happy with the direction I am headed.  I began writing my blog simply as a way to share with others my journey of raising my 2 grandchildren.  I am very proud of my daughter, as she is now in the process of having her girls back with her full time.   I am in the process of changing up the direction of the blog, and will update y’all more with that subject later.     read more

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