October 25, 2021

Recently I have realized how much games in general have a huge part in our day to day lives. I came to this conclusion the other day as I looked around the room and both of my teenage granddaughters, my husband and myself all had a phone in our hands. When I asked them what they were doing on their phones they each answered individually that they were playing a game. (side note, I had also been playing a game on my phone prior to looking up at everybody else)
I have 2 teenagers in my home (my granddaughters I am raising) and anybody that has teenagers in their lives knows how hard it can be to get them to communicate with you. When I noticed my teenagers playing their games on their phones, all I could think was how hard it is to get the girls to communicate with me. When I asked them about the games they were playing it gave me a way to get them to talk to me. Anybody that has teenagers will appreciate that it can be difficult to find a way “into” your kids’ lives.