January 25, 2021

It has been months since I wrote a heartfelt blog post. I find myself feeling all kinds of crazy emotions lately, so I figured now was a great time to start getting back to what I originally created this blog around. I am a grandparent raising grandchildren. The crazy part of that statement is that I am only one of 2.7 million grandparents that are currently raising grandchildren!
Just to give a quick update. I am married to an incredible husband and we are getting ready to celebrate 25 years of marriage in a couple of months. About 6 years ago our 2 oldest granddaughters came to live with us. Our oldest daughter, their mom, has addiction issues in addition to some mental health things going on. She has always been a great mom and so when she felt herself making some bad choices and running from some things that had happened in her adult life, she brought the girls to her dad and I. I have always respected her for that choice, as she never drug her kids through the ugliness.