October 13, 2016
Most people see me and don’t know the pain that I live with each day. I do my best to mask it, as I decided several years ago, to not broadcast to people, what I am dealing with on a daily basis. I don’t see how it benefits anybody if I let them know whether I am having a “good” day or a “bad” day, in regards to my pain levels. You see I have one of those “hidden” diseases. It began over 25 years ago, and it wasn’t until about 6 1/2 years ago, that I couldn’t take it anymore. Up until that point, if I had a bad day, I would call out of work and stay on a heating pad for a day or so. I have hereditary degenerative disk disease, that I didn’t do anything about until there was so much damage, that there were very few options left for me.