Why a Blog Challenge


So I have been challenged to write about why I have a blog.   When I first accepted this challenge , I thought well that is easy.  I do it to keep my own sanity.  To give you a brief explanation of what I mean , my blog is my way of getting my daily trials and tribulations down on Grandparents raising Grandchildren in addition to other ramblings in my life.   I also do some product reviews for different brands.. The other subject that I cover in my blog is dealing with Chronic Pain.      read more

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Sibling Rivalry!!


What do you do when you have 2 siblings that are only a year apart in age, and they start bickering and fighting non stop?   I can remember when the girls were each other’s best friends.   They would play together and yes occasionally, we would have the sisterly fight.  But that was the abnorm, not the norm.    Things have taken a turn recently and while I know it is normal to fight and fuss with your sibling, it doesn’t make it any easier to correct from a parental role. read more

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