
April’s Dancing In The Rain Giveaway Hop

 Dancing In The Rain Giveaway Hop

Dancing in the rain – it’s a classic romantic trope that has been featured in countless movies and love stories over the years. And yet, there’s something undeniably magical and possibly funny about the idea of twirling around in the rain with your special someone.

Maybe it’s the way the droplets of water glisten in the light, creating a glittering backdrop for your romantic moment. Or perhaps it’s the feeling of freedom that comes with letting go and embracing the moment, regardless of the weather.

My children remember me pulling them out in the middle of a rainstorm and dancing in the rain.  To be honest, it is one of my oldest daughter’s favorite memories of being goofy with her.  I am not sure I did that as often with my younger kids, probably because I was older and maybe a little slower.  

Keep in mind, when you’re dancing in the rain with someone you love, it feels like time stands still. You’re lost in the moment, free from any worries or stresses, and completely wrapped up in each other.

Sure, you might end up with wet clothes and a few damp strands of hair, but in that moment, none of that matters. All that matters is the love you share and the joy of being together, rain or shine.

So the next time a summer shower rolls in, don’t run for cover. Grab your special someone and take to the streets, because there’s nothing quite like dancing in the rain with the one you love.

Now let’s get down to the fun part of this article! Enter below to win April’s Dancing In The Rain Giveaway Hop! For my part, I am giving away your choice of a $10 Amazon Gift Card OR $10 PayPal Cash!

$10 Amazon Gift Card OR $10 PayPal Cash/ April’s Dancing In The Rain Giveaway Hop

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  1. Erica Ardali says:

    We get tons of Spring Thunderstorms in Indiana. It makes for some good sleeping weather

  2. Clem says:

    Not as much as other places

  3. Darlene Owen says:

    We live 30 miles south of Buffalo, NY and yes we do get a lot of rain and snow usually.

  4. Stacey McCrary says:

    Yep. We get a lot of rain and tornados. in fact rain is in the forcast today and tomorrow.

  5. Jackie says:

    Yes, we get our fair amount of April showers.

  6. Rita Wray says:

    Yes too much.

  7. Maureen says:

    I have heard the term. So far this year we have 6 days into April and we have had showers on 4 of them. So we will see what the showers bring.

  8. Teresa Gilbert says:

    Indiana gets a lot of April Showers here!

  9. Kim Avery says:

    We get a decent amount of rain. Except this year we have had torrential downpours and lots of flooding.

  10. monique s says:

    No, not much rain where I am

  11. wendy hutton says:

    no april showers here yet, sure hoping for some to green things up

  12. Elizabeth says:

    After March’s storms, I’m hoping we won’t get many April showers!

  13. Cali W. says:

    Thanks for the giveaway. Yes, it does rain sometimes.

  14. Natalie says:

    It is pretty rainy here in MN during April, plus the flooding from the snow melting.

  15. heather says:

    Yes, I have heard the saying “April Showers, bring May Flowers”. love the rain and we getting some here right now woohoo!

  16. Shelly Peterson says:

    Yes I have. We get quite a bit a rain every Spring.

  17. Terri Quick says:

    yes, I have heard that saying

  18. Ann Fantom says:

    Yes, we get a lot rain in the Spring

  19. Bea LaRocca says:

    Yes, I have heard that saying and I must say that we don’t get as much rain as we used to when I was young. Back in the day, lol, it seemed like we had a lot of snow in the winter, a lot of rain in the spring and March was the windy month like it was supposed to be, now weather here is pretty dry and boring

  20. brigette oster says:

    we have been getting snow… rain and then 75 weather.. its a crazu montj

  21. Susan Smith says:

    Yes, we get a lot of rain and sometimes tornados. I like rain a lot more than snow.

  22. bn100 says:

    yes to both

  23. Jodi Hunter says:

    We get an average amount of Spring showers.

  24. Cindy Merrill says:

    Yes, I have! It’s an old saying, really. I remember my grandmother repeating it.

  25. Nancy says:

    Yes! We have been getting lots of April showers.

  26. Nina Lewis says:

    Yes, I have. And no, we don’t. It is hot weather here 🙂

  27. Amber Lee Kolb says:

    I’m in Michigan and we usually do, however, this year, we are stuck on winter mode! It’s so cold!

  28. Carolyn D says:

    Yes. We have had quite a few rain showers in the past week.

  29. Robin Abrams says:

    We get a lot of rain and tornado’s.

  30. Adriane says:

    We had a crazy amount of rain!

  31. Kobi Carpenter says:

    I’m in Oregon so we get a mix of snow still and rain

  32. Leela says:

    It’s still snowing here.

  33. Thomas Gibson says:

    Yes. We have a few days of rain in Central Florida. Moreso in the Summer.

  34. Soha Molina says:

    This year we had a lot of rain.

  35. polly says:

    We live in Northern California and luckily we have gotten quite a bit of rain this spring…..thank goodness…we needed it!

  36. Annmarie Weeks says:

    Here in Maryland, we get plenty of rain in April! But it seems to be a bit less than March…and at least the temperatures are warmer!

  37. Jon Heil says:

    Raining now in wisconsin and we get the 4 seasons in 1 week

  38. Debbi Wellenstein says:

    We haven’t this year-it’s been very dry. We can get a lot of rain in the spring.

  39. jennifer cervantes says:

    We dont usually but this year we did! We even got snow!

  40. Tracie Cooper says:

    We get tons of rain and thunderstorms in Florida!

  41. Jeanna Massman says:

    I live in Arizona and we don’t have many Aprilshowers!

  42. Daniel M says:

    we got a few showers

  43. Amy Nick says:

    Yes we get tons of rain and thunderstorms here in Central Florida

  44. BRIAN E. says:

    In the midst of a 20+ year drought we have had slightly above normal winter & spring rains in our slice of AZ….so, flowers !!!

  45. I am familiar with the saying. We have gotten a good amount of rain this month, IMO. We’re in a three day stretch of it, currently.

  46. Jeryl M. says:

    We have not really gotten a lot of rain this month.

  47. Stephanie Larison says:

    Yes, there has been so much rain lately, I’m ready for a break from it.

  48. Debbie P says:

    We have had some showers but the majority will be coming in May.

  49. Cassandra D says:

    I get a fair amount of rainfall around the area where I reside.

  50. AEKZ2 says:

    Yes, I’ve heard the saying. We don’t get much rain here in April.

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