
Come What May & Love It Giveaway Hop


Giveaway ends 5/31/18

I have teamed up with a great group of Bloggers to bring you a TON of Giveaways.   BE SURE YOU CHECK THEM OUT BELOW!!!


I love everything about May!   It is the beginning of Spring and the promise of Summer months!  The best part for me personally, is I have 2 granddaughters that were born in the month of May, so to me it is extra special!!

Now I know that there is a cute saying: COME WHAT MAY..but for the purposes of this blog hop, we have decided to take it a little bit further and add to it:   & LOVE IT!!  What a great way to encourage others….Sooo why not use that concept and ENTER TO WIN SOME GREAT GIVEAWAYS!!


Come What May & Love It Giveaway Hop

Now it is time to grab your favorite drink , get a comfy spot , curl up and go ENTER TO WIN A BUNCH OF AWESOME GIVEAWAYS!!

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  1. mami2jcn says:

    I like walking on the beach.

  2. wendy hutton says:

    I love gardening

  3. Kim Avery says:

    I love going to the lake to relax or look for sea glass.

  4. Ann says:

    Summer is probably my least favorite season of all– mostly because I’m not so good with the heat or humidity! One thing I love about the summer, though, is when the day starts to come to a close. (I’m a night owl, so this helps!) …The sun begins to sink in the sky, the heat slowly dissipates, people seem to mellow out, there are those beautiful summer sunsets and sometimes rainshowers, and generally gorgeous evenings. I love to spend those lovely nights in our backyard listening to the noise of the neighborhood, going for drives with my friends, or having cookouts.

  5. Candice says:

    I love to swim in the summer.

  6. Natalie says:

    My Mom owns a pontoon boat so I love to go on long boat rides and water ski!

  7. Judy Cox says:

    I enjoy taking the great grandchildren swimming, especially when it really gets hot!!

  8. James Robert says:

    We have a group from work who gets together for volleyball.

  9. Molli Taylor says:

    i like to hang out at the rive beach. shade and sun!

  10. Christina Sparks says:

    we love to go camping

  11. shelly peterson says:

    I like going to the lake.

  12. Amirra says:

    Lovely blog. I love May because that’s the month we celebrate my son’s birthday. It will always be an important month to me

  13. Darlene Owen says:

    My favorite summer activity is taking care of my garden.

  14. Angelica Dimeo says:

    I like going to the fountain with my kids

  15. Clem says:

    I like to hike in the summer.

  16. Jeryl M. says:

    I love to take day trips to NYC and go to shows, go on tours and go to museums.

  17. Kaycee says:

    Even though I don’t get to do it much, I love swimming! I’m a water baby!

  18. Amanda Rauch says:

    My favorite summer activity is visiting with my son while he is home from college.

  19. Zoey says:

    I love getting ice cream with my family in summer.

  20. Ann Fantom says:

    I love going on family bike rides during the summer

  21. HS says:

    Swimming is my favorite.

  22. Calvin says:

    Chilling by the beach, or gardening in the yard.

  23. Charity Cram says:

    We like having water balloon fights using partially filled regular balloons. That way they last longer and it’s fun to fill a few mostly full.

  24. Jennylyn Gross says:

    My family loves swimming. it is so fun and realxing

  25. Jessica K Long says:

    chillaxing in the pool!!!

  26. Jerry Marquardt says:

    The summer is going very good due to the very nice and warm nights. I love to go to Downtown Chicago and take photos in the summer.

  27. jodi Hassel says:

    Love going to the beaach and relazing

  28. aimee says:

    fishing and swimming at the lake

  29. Rebecca J says:

    Favorite summer activity is going to the beach!

  30. Edye says:

    I like tanning!

  31. Del says:

    Beach walks with family

  32. Lindsay Giedosh says:

    I love taking road trips and swimming in the summer

  33. Angela Saver says:

    My favorite summertime activity is walking our very hilly neighborhood with my husband!

  34. Amber says:

    My favorite summer water activity is water skiing! Kayaking is a close second.

  35. Sheila Ressel says:

    Swimming is my favorite summertime activity.

  36. David Hollingsworth says:

    Favorite summertime treat: Lemonade.

  37. Debbi Wellenstein says:

    My favorite summer time activity is sitting by a body of water with a book.

  38. Sarah L says:

    I love swimming most of all.
    Thanks for the contest.

  39. Cynthia C says:

    I enjoy eating meals outdoors and reading on my deck in summer.

  40. April says:

    I like taking my twins to the zoo!

  41. Dan Denman says:

    My favorite water fun is swimming in a pool. My favorite summer foods are ice cold watermelon and cantaloupe.

  42. Abigail Gibson says:

    My favorite Summertime activity is watching thunderstorms from my porch.

  43. Azeem Isaahaque says:

    I love cricket during the summer time

  44. Amber says:

    Thank you so much for the generous giveaway! In the summer I love gardening and taking long hie hightlights from the field.

  45. Jodi Hunter says:

    Swimming wit my babies (the 2 legged & 4 legged).

  46. Shannon says:

    I love to go camping during the summer.

  47. Lisa says:

    I like to sit on the porch with my cats and read.

  48. Christina Gould says:

    I’ve entered this one! Thanks for the giveaway!

  49. We swim A LOT. We love getting out into our pool! Gracie was in it yesterday.

  50. Cheryl B says:

    My favorite Summer time activity is geocaching.

  51. polly says:

    Love swimming in the pool with our 2 young grandsons

  52. Antoinette M says:

    We like water balloon fights & visiting water parks.

  53. Leela says:

    I love water parks.

  54. Jackie says:

    My favorite summertime activity is spending the day at the beach.
    Thank you!

  55. stella methvin says:

    boating and fishing if it will ever quit raining.

  56. Daniel M says:

    we like to go mountain biking

  57. Jayne Townsley says:

    My favorite water fun is the lazy rivers.

  58. Cheryl Chervitz says:

    I enjoy just relaxing in the sun or shade if its too hot.

  59. Jeanna Massman says:

    We like to take our grandson to the pool and splash pad in the summer.

  60. sandra says:

    we like to just hang by the pool

  61. Jan Lee says:

    I know the kids would say swimming 🙂

  62. Jake B says:

    I love going to baseball games and tons of concerts in the summer.

  63. wen budro says:

    My favorite activity is to hang out at the beach with my family.

  64. Brenda Elsner says:

    Camping and fishing are my favorite summertime activities.

  65. Amy Greenwood says:

    My favorite summer activity is bike riding. It gets so cold in my state most of the year, so I love getting out and biking.

  66. Erika says:

    I love going to the beach in the summer!

  67. Susan Climan says:

    I love swimming and going to BBQ’s.

  68. kathy pease says:

    I love to go on vacation to the beach

  69. Seyma Bennett says:

    My favorite water activity is white water rafting or sleeping at the beach!

  70. AEKZ2 says:

    I like going to the water park with my kids

  71. Rachel says:

    I love being outside enjoying the beautifuls days

  72. Eileen Boyce says:

    Sitting on the deck playing cards.

  73. Sandy says:

    I have never been white water rafting, although I admit it sounds like a blast!! Sleeping at the beach I can do and I have. LOL

  74. Sandy says:

    Ohhh Kathy, the beach is my all time favorite place to be! I grew up near the beach in California and was there every possible day could be!! I still consider any water, especially the beach as my “happy place:

  75. Sandy says:

    You are a girl after my own heart Susan. We do a ton of swimming and BBQ’s in the summer months!

  76. Sandy says:

    Erika, you and me both! My goal and/or fantasy is to have a vacation home at the beach.

  77. Sandy says:

    I used to do a lot of bike riding in my younger days, but as I have become disabled it isn’t on my agenda anymore. Although getting out in nature is something I still love and enjoy

  78. Sandy says:

    The pool and the lake are always a big hit with my grandkids !

  79. Sandy says:

    We used to do a lot of basketball, or rather we would go watch the kids and grand kids playing. In our town, we have outdoor concerts that are fee, so that is a great summer activity for us.

  80. Sandy says:

    I think I would have to agree with them Jan. We also enjoy going to the lake and enjoying all they offer up there

  81. Sandy says:

    There is nothing wrong with that Sandra, in fact it sounds like a perfect day to me!

  82. Sandy says:

    Relaxing is a perfect activity! Relaxing by some form of water is even better! LOL

  83. Sandy says:

    Now that sounds like something my son would be out doing. He loves anything to do with the mountains.

  84. Sandy says:

    WE have had sooo much rain this sesason, it is insane!! Fishing my husband agrees with, and I am all about hanging out on a boat!

  85. Sandy says:

    Now your talking!! Who doesn’t love a good water park for some summertime fun!!!

  86. Sandy says:

    You and me both!! I am all about a day at the beach…or a week…or a month!!

  87. Sandy says:

    I have wanted a pool forever, buy hubby won’t have it. He doesn’t want to deal with the upkeep. We do end up at the lake most of the summer though.

  88. Sandy says:

    What is geocaching? I might have to look that one up. LOL

  89. Sandy says:

    Your welcome Christina!!

  90. Sandy says:

    Sounds like our favorite pastime! Although I end up at friends to go in a pool

  91. Sandy says:

    Such perfect and fun ones! Who doesn’t love a water park and there’s nothing like a good water balloon fight!

  92. Sandy says:

    Lazy rivers are the absolute best!! How fun would it be to have one in the backyard! Can you tell I have been watching HGTV? lol

  93. Sandy says:

    Now that is what I am talking about! WE did a family vacation at the beginning of summer to the beach…it was amazing!

  94. Sandy says:

    We did a ton of camping with the kids when they were younger. We still have our camper and I was just telling hubby that I want to take it out again!

  95. Sandy says:

    Watar Parks are just amazing!!!

  96. Sandy says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more!! Although, this has been a really hot summer, so our outside time has included some type of water to stay cool.

  97. Sandy says:

    Sounds like an ideal way to spend the summer days!!

  98. Sandy says:

    I am all about a great book and a perfect location!

  99. Sandy says:

    WE did a ton of camping with kids when they were younger, but haven’t been in a few years. I truly miss it!

  100. Sandy says:

    Jodi, sounds like my family….all babies love the water….even the fur babies

  101. Sandy says:

    I don’t believe we have ever played that, but certainly sounds like fun!

  102. Sandy says:

    That sounds like my hubby’s favorite summertime activity!

  103. Sandy says:

    You really nailed me! I love all things water…and watermelon / cantaloupe are staples in my house during summer months!

  104. Sandy says:

    I have twin grandbabies and can’t wait until they are old enough to start taking them to the zoo!! What fun!

  105. Sandy says:

    Sounds like such a relaxing and perfect day to me!

  106. Sandy says:

    Your welcome Sarah!! Make sure you subscribe to blog and keep your eye on it. I have a ton of new giveaways coming.
    Swimming is my favorite summer time activity also!

  107. Sandy says:

    Thank you for commenting and stopping by!! Be sure to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss the new giveaways I have coming soon!!

  108. Sandy says:

    ohhh me too!!
    Thank you for commenting and stopping by!! Be sure to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss the new giveaways I have coming soon!!

  109. Sandy says:

    You sound like me during summer months. I like as the sun is going down and the world is starting to settle in. I do love the summer months, just not the extreme heat days.
    Thank you for commenting and stopping by!! Be sure to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss the new giveaways I have coming soon!!

  110. Sandy says:

    Thank you for commenting and stopping by!! Be sure to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss the new giveaways I have coming soon!!

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my post be sure to comment below!

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