
For The Love Of Reading Giveaway Blog Hop

Hello fellow bookworms! Are you ready for some humor and laughter while we talk about our love for reading? Because let’s be honest, nothing is more entertaining than a good book – except maybe a good joke.

First of all, let’s talk about how reading can be an escape from reality. I mean, who wouldn’t want to swap out their boring life for a thrilling adventure in a fantasy world or a steamy romance novel? And let’s not forget the fact that we can read in our pajamas and pretend we’re too busy saving the world to get dressed.

But sometimes, reading can also be a bit of a challenge. Have you ever tried to read a classic novel and found yourself nodding off after just a few pages? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. It’s like trying to eat a bowl of plain oatmeal without any sugar or flavor – it’s good for you, but not very exciting.

And then there’s the struggle of finding the perfect reading position. Do you prop yourself up with pillows on the couch? Do you lay flat on your stomach on the floor? Or do you try to balance the book on your head while doing a headstand? It’s a tough call!

And lastly, reading can be a great way to impress others. Want to sound smarter than you actually are? Just toss around a few big words from that book you read last week. Nobody has to know that you used context clues to figure out the meaning.

Image by un-perfekt from Pixabay

So there you have it, folks – the hilarious side of loving to read. Whether you’re escaping reality, struggling to stay awake, finding the perfect reading position, finishing a book, or trying to impress others, reading is always an adventure worth taking. So keep on reading and keep on laughing!

Now let’s get to the fun part of this article. THE GIVEAWAY!! For my part I am giving you a chance to win a $10 Gift Card to Amazon!! After you have ENTERED TO WIN here on FROG Reviews and Ramblings, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the other 34 Blogs listed and enter the giveaways each of them have going on over at their blogs!! Hence, the word “Blog Hop” in the title of this giveaway!!


$10 Amazon Gift Card/ For The Love Of Reading Giveaway Blog Hop

NOW…. Get comfy and start to ENTER TO WIN the rest of the following Blog’s giveaways!!

No ResponsesOne Response% Responsesso far.

  1. Erica Ardali says:

    I love reading Manga and Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance novels

  2. Gina Ferrell says:

    I absolutely love to read all sorts of books, magazines and blog posts on all sorts of things.

  3. Clem says:

    I enjoy blogs, books and research

  4. Sara says:

    hope I win

  5. Darlene Owen says:

    I love reading mystery books.

  6. Darlene Owen says:

    I love reading mystery books.—

  7. Stacey McCrary says:

    Love reading about the history of anything, famous person, inventor, even down to murderers and what happened.

  8. Christopher S says:

    I’m definitely a reader and life learner. I read books, articles, periodicals, newspapers, the backs of cereal boxes, and any piece of paper with writing on it!

  9. Rita Wray says:

    I like books and magazines.

  10. Nancy says:

    I enjoy reading everything! Mysteries and medical and legal thrillers are some of my favorite genres.

  11. Maureen says:

    I enjoy reading all sorts of publications. Books and magazine and I do read blogs as well.

    The book genre that I read span all sorts of interests. The magazines and blogs do also.

  12. wendy hutton says:

    I enjoy reading romance novels, blogs, social media

  13. Nina Lewis says:

    Books! 🙂

  14. Shelly Peterson says:

    I like to read books and blog posts.

  15. Laura Thomas says:

    I love reading and will read just about anything.

  16. Bea LaRocca says:

    I love reading books and eBooks from almost every genre, textbooks, especially those for the Earth Sciences, Astronomy and histories and science magazines and National Geographic. Thank you for participating in the Hop!

  17. Cali W. says:

    Thanks for the giveaway. I like reading fictional books. 🙂

  18. brigette oster says:

    i enjoy reading books

  19. Soha Molina says:

    I like ebooks.

  20. Janie McGaugh says:

    I enjoy reading lots of different kinds of things, but romance books are my preference.

  21. Terri Quick says:

    I love reading about horror, drama, music, movies & tv shows

  22. Antoinette M says:

    I enjoy reading books & magazines.

  23. bn100 says:


  24. Cathy French says:

    I enjoy reading books, parts of the Sunday newspaper and magazines

  25. heather says:

    I enjoy reading books, newspapers, magazines and blogs.

  26. Amber Lee Kolb says:

    Magazines were my favorite during my late teens early 20s. Now I’m in my 40’s and prefer books (paperbacks).

  27. Shannon Holmes says:

    I like reading books like Stephen King, I also love other fiction and books about mental illness.

  28. Ann Fantom says:

    I like reading books and news articles

  29. Susan Smith says:

    I like to read blog posts, news articles and books.

  30. Cindy Merrill says:

    I’m a History buff an a food historian- I’m always looking for recipes! “An Irish Country Doctor” by Patrick Taylor comes to mind, for example.

  31. polly says:

    I enjoy reading my People Magazines

  32. cheryl s says:

    I like reading books on my Nook

  33. Natalie says:

    I like ready mysteries and documentaries. I also love scrolling through social media 🙂

  34. Leela says:

    I love reading about recipes and humor.

  35. Debbie P says:

    I enjoy reading books particularly biographies and auto-biographies. As well as magazines, blogs and social media.

  36. EDYE says:

    All of it! I love to read.

  37. Marnie Ward says:

    I like to read books that keep me guessing until the very end.

  38. Debbi Wellenstein says:

    I love post-apocalyptic fiction, mysteries and thrillers, and anything that makes me laugh.

  39. Madonna says:

    I like to read a wide variety of things. I read mysteries, cozy mysteries, historical fiction, biographies, self help books, westerns. Some sci fi

  40. Julie Waldron says:

    I enjoy reading physical books, cozy mystery & historical fiction are my favorite genres.

  41. Jodi Hunter says:

    I enjoy reading on any format.

  42. Teresa Gilbert says:

    I enjoy reading anything to be honest. If there is words i am in it!

  43. Jeanna Massman says:

    I love to read all kinds of things, especially, books and magazines.

  44. James Coyne says:

    I like my star trek books

  45. maria gentry says:

    I love sci fi books.

  46. Leigh Nichols says:

    I love books- fiction and Historical fic are my faves

  47. Jeryl M. says:

    I like to read all different kinds of things in all different genres. I just loved reading!

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my post be sure to comment below!

About Sandy