Halloween Fun



I find myself sitting here exhausted but so beyond happy after all the fun activities of the day.  I have to confess though, I was slightly stressed at the beginning of the night, and let’s just say I wouldn’t have received the “Mom of the Day” award!!
When I woke up this morning and thought about what we had planned for the afternoon, I got exhausted just thinking about what the night would bring.   I want to say, because of my disabilities , I was a little concerned I would be able to do it all, but thankfully I have some great daughters that helped me get through the night!  I knew it was going to get busy and crazy with trying to coordinate not only the granddaughters that are living with me, but also making sure that timing worked out with my daughter , her fiance’ and the newest 6 month old granddaughter.   In addition to that, it was important to me to meet up with my best friend of 16 years and her crew of kids , sometime throughout the night.    As long as we have known each other, if she was living here in town, we meet up and do Halloween trick or treating with  our kids.   We joked about it last year, because now our own children are grown and no longer trick or treating, yet here we are 16 years later and we still find ourselves out running around town with little ones. She is raising 2 grandchildren, that she has since adopted, and  in addition to them she is a foster parent and has 2 extra little ones this year.    I don’t envy her at all, and honestly I am not sure how she does it.   She has 3 kids under the age of 4 yrs old , plus a 9 or 10 yr old!   When I think of her , two things go through my mind…..#1, she must be Super Woman and I have just never seen the cape , and #2 there is no way at my age I could take on what she has!   I love her dearly, and am very thankful that she is there for those babies!


So on to the events of the night, we began with getting my granddaughters all dressed and make up on so that we could take some pictures before we headed out for the night.   My oldest daughter, the girls’ mom, made all of the costumes and they turned out awesome!  My 10 yr old granddaughter was Alice in Wonderland, the 9 yr old granddaughter was the Queen of Hearts and the 6 mo. old granddaughter was the Cheshire Cat.     They all looked amazing!!   I am so blessed to be their Nana and was so proud of them tonight.   So after our little mini photo shoot, we loaded up the cars and headed to our 1st stop at our local church.   I tried to meet up with my best friend while we were there, but of course we were running late, and missed her at that event.   Thankfully we live in a day and age, where cell phones enable us to figure out where we could still meet up.   We went ahead and did our trick or treating and game playing at the church, then headed back to my side of town.   I had arranged to meet up with my best friend at my house when she was done with the next event she had headed to with her crew.   At this point, I  realized in my rush to get everybody out the door on time, I hadn’t fed anybody.   Can any mom relate to that?    There was no way I was going to have a bunch of sugar hyped up kids, without getting some solid food in their tummies, so off to McDonald’s we went.     We stopped by the house to drop some food off to my amazing husband who of course was home manning the candy bowl.   We had a chance to meet up with my girl friend there , while we visited the girls went and visited the neighbors for some trick or treating.

tiff-james-and-serenity pastor-robert-and-kids kerri-and-joshua nana-and-serenity

Then it was time to get the night really started and head out to some Door to Door Trick or Treating.   Yes we still do that here, mainly because I live in a fairly small town and we have been going to the same houses since I moved here  16 years ago.   I have had years that I have worried if it was safe, however, like I said , I live in a fairly small town and for the most part , I know my kids are going to be safe.   Here is the crazy part….it is October 31st in Middle Tennessee and our weather was over 75 degrees out tonight!!   I had kids riding in the back of our pick up truck and they weren’t freezing!   Traditionally in years past, we have to bundle up the kids and crank the heater to do door to door trick or treating.    In our part of the country, we drive our kids to neighborhoods, then while one adult walks with the kids, the other follows in the car.

I have to say that as much as I enjoy my granddaughters, I miss when my kids were little.   Although, all 3 of my kids did dress this year for Halloween!!    My son was Clark Kent , my 20 yr old was BatMan, and my oldest even wore some pink bunny ears and pink hair!  No matter how old they get, they still have the spirit of the holiday!  crystal-with-bunny-ears tiff-and-serenity mike-as-clark-kent

I knew the night was a success , when I came home with 2 little girls ready for bed and had a sack full of candy!    The 6 mo old made all the festivities of the night, and only passed out the last 20 minutes on the ride home.   Another Halloween chalked up in the Memory Bank!!


I know this has been a long post, but I love sharing with y’all our family adventures.   How was your Halloween?    Did you do some door to door trick or treating?   Any fun stories to tell ?

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