K12 Homeschool , we have began!!

I started homeschooling both my 4th and 6th grade granddaughters this  last week, with the help of their mom.   I figured I would put a short post out there about it , just to update y’all a little bit of what our new classroom looks like.


We made this decision for multiple reasons, which I will explain via another post soon.  But we chose the K12 program , which is basically home school via the Public School System.  It is offered Nationwide and is a free program.

It has been a rough start, last week and this week so far.   However, today I believe we finally have started to settle into a routine.    The girls are LOVING it!!    Below I will share with you a couple pics we have taken to show off our classroom and the girls doing work.

I would TRULY LOVE TO HEAR from any other Mom’s or Dad’s that have chosen this path of Home Schooling!!     How long did you Home School?  What ages were your kids, maybe your reasons for doing so?  Any tips you can give?   I am happy to hear anything that  a HOME SCHOOL parent has to input!!    Comment below!!!!   

In her Math class…..all comfy and quiet and easily studying
Math Class Time!! I have never seen her smile about Math!!
History Class….deep in thought
Papa helping with class. It takes a village to raise kids….and the whole family helps!

You will see where we went and made a “special night” on our 1st night of home school, them working, our class room area, etc.

Stay tuned…..more to come about our home school experience!!

Our Special Night out on the 1st Day of School…Yum , Ice Cream!
Our Special Night out to celebrate our 1st day of Home School. Mom, with all 4 kids….the twins are only a couple weeks old .
Our Classroom: Daily Lesson plan all planned out
Our Classroom: A few encouraging words to keep them motivated
Class Room: One of the desk/work areas
Class Room: Laptop ready for the day’s lesson

4 Replies to “K12 Homeschool , we have began!!”

  • Home schooling is starting to happen also here in Italy. I know a couple who decided not to enlist their 2 daughters in school, yet they organized with other parents for home school their children.
    I’m not against it, the important thing is that the study program is complete and will teach everything that would be taught in normal schools.

  • I do know people who are home schooling their children, it is a challenge! I don’t think I could do it myself, but taking on that challenge, I think you’ll learn a lot, too.

  • I love that you are blogging about your own personal experience with homeschooling your grandchildren. It’s great how honest you are!

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my post be sure to comment below!