How My Blog Has Developed Over Time
November 28, 2021

I realized the other day that I have been blogging for 7 years as of December of this year, 2021. It really doesn’t seem as though it has been that long. As the saying goes, where has the time gone? The funny part about blogging , at least my blog, is that it began with me doing one thing and then within a year or so of that, morphed into something else. I started out reviewing products for some sellers that I was working with directly and as the years went by, it has become a blog about me raising my grandchildren and all things related to parenting and/or grandparenting. I tend to do a lot of giveaways on my blog, simple because I enjoy giving out free stuff to my followers!
I began my blog as a way to vent to others about raising my grandchildren and share the experiences that we have been through while having the girls with us. I found out along the way, that there are tens of thousands of grandparents out there raising their grandchildren. The girls have lived with my husband and I for the past 6 or 7 years, give or take a year. They came to live with us when they were just 7 & 8 years old. They’re now in those amazing teenage years, ages 14 & 15. I might be using that word “amazing” with a slightly sarcastic undertone. I will just say, that It is really different raising teenagers when you’re in your late 50’s and 60’s than it was when we were in our 30’s!
I am starting to bring my blog back to sharing about my personal experience with different brands and how much I enjoyed using their products and/or reviewing a specific product. I don’t do this often, but when I do , you can bet it is something I have been excited about using.
I can remember when I first started blogging thinking to myself, does anybody really want to hear what I have to say? I think that all beginning bloggers go through that thought process. I had absolutely zero clue how to grow my blog or to be certain that I had people actually reading what I was writing! I guess if I am completely honest, I still wonder if people are reading my posts. I know they are, because I have comments on different posts, so at some point what I write must be resonating with somebody.
As a blogger, you are always thinking of ways to grow your blog. Several years back I stumbled upon a website that has assisted me in not only growing my blog’s footprint, but it has assisted me in working closely with new brands. Brands that are looking for people such as myself to help them gain some exposure. The name of the website I am referring to is Intellifluence. I love that by working with this site, I am also able to share a wide range of topics that I might not have otherwise thought to write about on my blog. It is always up to me as to what I choose to share on the blog via their site, so I am certain to make sure it is a subject that would interest the type of people that follow my blog. (If you are a blogger, I strongly encourage you to go check them out)
When I started using sites such as Intellifluence I really noticed an upswing of followers and growth on my blog. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I am a mega influencer like Lauren Mayhew or anything crazy like that. If you don’t know who that is, let me give you a couple hints. She is a singer, actor and influencer and she has incredible talent! Yet I know that I have value to offer to brands that will assist them in growing their businesses. Anybody that is looking to work with a blogger or influencer should always have some basic knowledge about how an influencer or blogger will benefit their brand. It doesn’t matter if that blogger has a small reach or if they have a large reach and following. There is a ton of information out there if you’re willing to put in the time to research how you can grow your blog and what you should and should not do. One of the articles that I read and gained a bunch of insight and knowledge through is, Don’t take Shortcuts”.
I love blogging and it has been a great way for me to share what our experiences have been in raising grandchildren , after we basically were done raising our own children. Although, if you look back at my first post I wrote on this blog, our youngest son was still at home when the girls came to live with us. Currently, it is just the 2 teenagers, my husband, myself and our 1 yr old Boston Terrier in the house. If you keep your eyes on the blog, I am sure you will hear about her sooner or later.
I hope that you have gained some insight as to how my blog came to life , what the growth pattern has been like and how the blog itself has changed and morphed over time.
As always, I would love to hear from you in the comments below!! Let me know what you would like to hear more about in my next blog post!!