
Life’s A Beach Giveaway Hop

Giveaway runs from May 4th to May 18th!!

I am so ready for our annual family trip to the beach! We are leaving this weekend and we will get to enjoy the beautiful beach in Ocean Isle, North Carolina! My husband and I are excited to enjoy the beach this year with 5 of our 12 grandchildren. It has been a long winter and I am so ready to go put the sand in my toes and smell the salty air! I know not everybody enjoys the beach, I grew up in San Diego, so going to the beach is in my blood! Enough about me and our adventures this May…let me tell you what you came here to really here about!

I am happy to bring you the Life’s a Beach Giveaway Hop yet again this year!! For my part here at FROG Reviews and Ramblings I will be giving away $10 in PayPal Cash!! The great thing about a Giveaway Hop is that once you enter to win my part of the Giveaway, you scroll to the bottom of the page and enter to win a bunch of other blogs listed and their individual giveaways!!

So let’s get you started on your Giveaway Hop!


$10 PayPal Cash / Life’s A Beach Giveaway Hop

Now that you have entered for the PayPal giveaway…be sure to check out each blog listed below and enter their giveaways!!

Best of luck!!

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  1. Jackie says:

    This June we’ll all be vaccinated so we’ll be able to spend time together.

  2. Maria Malaveci says:

    My husband and I are both vaccinated!

  3. Kim Avery says:

    It’s really not much different. We live in a small town and kept our bubble small. Now that we are all vaccinated we can breath a sigh of relief and maybe enjoy larger BBQs that include extended family and friends.

  4. shelly peterson says:

    It’s really not much different.

  5. Melissa Storms says:

    Well, we have a wedding to attend in June, they rescheduled from last year.

  6. monique s says:

    It is more hopeful that things will be getting back to normal soon

  7. Cali W. says:

    Thanks for the giveaway. It will be different from last June because we can actually go outside.

  8. Kari B says:

    This June, the extended family will be able to go camping together.

  9. Emily B. says:

    This June, our family will attend in-person church for the first time in over a year.

  10. Natalie says:

    This June my family is traveling to Georgia to visit my grandparents. Last June we did no traveling.

  11. Nancy says:

    This June is similar to last June. We are glad that more people are getting vaccinated and I hope that increases and continues.

  12. Ann Fantom says:

    This June is going to be more “normal”, where as last June we were in lockdown

  13. wendy hutton says:

    really no different as we don’;t go out much

  14. Darlene Carbajal says:

    Feels the same.

  15. heather says:

    This June will be the same for us here as we are back to lockdown in my state due to the Covid-19 virus.

  16. Last June we had stopped going to restaurants. This June we’ll start.

  17. Clem says:

    Things are the same as last year.

  18. Christopher S says:

    Feel like this June there will be more freedoms to move about and actually have some fun with f&f.

  19. Sherry says:

    It’s really not any different.

  20. Darlene Owen says:

    Last year in June we did not go out of the house, this year we are planning on going on trips and eating out.

  21. Jessica S says:

    I was just moving back to my home town last year and now this year im pregnant with my first baby.

  22. Susan Smith says:

    This June will be different from last June because we can spend time with family.

  23. LaCinda Foster says:

    We will be in Fl in Juyne

  24. Jeanna Massman says:

    We will get to spend more time with our grandson this year than last.

  25. Debbie P says:

    This June We will be able to move and lives more normally!

  26. Janie McGaugh says:

    I feel a lot more comfortable about going places.

  27. Tiffany Schmidt says:

    We’ll see more family and friends!

  28. Jennifer Rote says:

    No difference for us this year.

  29. Linda Kay Brown says:

    Hopefully we will be able to spend time with our grown kids and little grandkids since all the adults are vaccinated.

  30. Annmarie Weeks says:

    This year is so very different, since my ‘baby’ graduated last year. Hubby & I sold our house & moved to the beach. And this summer folks will be coming to visit with us! It’s so nice to be able to be with friends & family again!

  31. Sunnymay says:

    Last year for 5 months, I traveled to Boston to watch my 2 grandsons (8 & 18 months) so both parents could work full time from home and SIL went to law school full time. He graduates this month. Our governor is opening up our state on June 2nd from Covid restrictions with businesses able to still have their own rules. Already, people are moving around more and eating our a bit more.

  32. Berk says:

    Thanks to COVID it will be much different..

  33. Leela says:

    No difference at all. It’s all good.

  34. Sarah L says:

    Rec centers are opening up for swimming.
    Thanks for the contest.

  35. Ken Ohl says:

    There is more hope this summer than last hoping for a road trip to Wisconsin

  36. EDYE says:

    we are all vaccinated!

  37. Heather Kaufman says:

    I am working now, so we will not be camping as much.

  38. Deb Pelletier says:

    We may not get together.

  39. Linda K says:

    I am fully vaccinated so sky is the limit.

  40. Christy R says:

    Last June was terrible. This one will be so much better I hope.

  41. Buddy Garrett says:

    I are not as stressed out as we were last year.

  42. Jeryl M. says:

    We are able to get out more, go more places, and spend time with family.

  43. Rhonda Tenderholt says:

    It’s not different other then my sister-in-law is getting married so we will be road-tripping it to their, as well as my parents. Thank you for the giveaway and chance to win.

  44. AEKZ2 says:

    This June my daughter will be able to do basketball camp.

  45. Vikki Billings says:

    This June will be different from last year because I am able to see and spend time with my family now.

  46. Heaven Kelough says:

    This June my family and I are all vaccinated so we can hug and be around each other! Last June we didn’t see each other because of Covid.

  47. Betty Curran says:

    We can finally be together again

  48. megan allen says:

    Thank you for the opportunity and good luck everyone!

  49. dolaq says:

    very good ! I like this!

  50. Amazing! I know nothing about traveling all over the country, what a wonderful looking place to explore.

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