Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway
November 12, 2019

Giveaway runs from 11/12/19 to 11/26/19
I am so excited to have joined a ton of other bloggers this year once again to bring you some wonderful opportunities to win some awesome stuff! Of course, we all know it is perfect timing since Christmas is right around the corner!! I can’t believe it is a little more than a month away!!
I have had so many changes go on in my household this year! We have been blessed with a new grandson and our other grandchildren are growing by leaps and bounds!! We have our oldest 2 granddaughters living back with us and they are thriving and doing amazing. I have started homeschooling the 12 year old and oh my!…what an adventure that is turning out to be!! (I will be posting more on my blog about that later, so be sure to come back and check out our updates!!)
We are super excited for Christmas this year, even though financially it will be a little different. Yet, I believe those are the years we remember the most. I think it gives us a chance to focus more on the reason for the season and appreciate Christmas and the love of family!! At any rate, I just wanted to update you on me and my family. I want to wish y’all the best of luck on ALL THE ENTRIES for this Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway this year!! So let’s get to hopping!!
Please make sure once you have entered to win my giveaway, that you scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the other blogs listed below. There are 90 blogs signed up this year so there are TONS & TONS of chances to win!!!!
For my part in this Super Stocking Stuffer Giveway, I am giving some lucky winner a $10 Amazon Gift Card!!!
Now for the FUN PART!

I usually try to get it up a day or two after Thanksgiving.
I usually start putting my christmas decorations up the week after thanksgiving. I would like to start doing it sooner than that, but my sons birthday is November 17th and i dont like to take away from decorating for his party.
We put our Christmas tree up at the end of November. I don’t think it is too early.
We put our tree up last year 100 days before Christmas, on September 16th. We haven’t decided yet when we’ll put it up this year.
I put up my tree and decorate the middle of Dec. I think Nov. is way too soon.
Well, too early for me but my kids put it up last night. They love it up early but they like it down soon after Christmas.
if I put a tree up it is usually about mid December
I start decorating right after Thanksgiving. But my family used to decorate and put the tree up before thanksgiving.
I put my tree up after Thanksgiving because I have small children and don’t want to deal with it longer than that. I love decorations though, the ones the kids and pets can’t reach!
I don’t usually put a tree up until the first week of December. I know many people that do it right after Thanksgiving, but I think that is about the earliest.
I usually put mine up as soon as Halloween is over.
Great #Giveaway , just in time for Christmas Shopping!!
I put my tree / trees up when I get the chance as soon as December rolls around!
I put mine up sometime after Thanksgiving.
We always buy a real Christmas tree on Black Friday and decorate it together as a family.
We like to put our Christmas tree up the week of Thanksgiving!
We always put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving but any earlier is too soon unless you have no time after Thanksgiving to do It.
We put it up after Thanksgiving.
I personally think it’s too early to put it up before December, but my mother in law has already started buying decorations and is planning to buy a tree and put it up next week!
I usually bring up my tree Thanksgiving night, and only set her up, I don’t start decorating till maybe the next day or so.
I already put it!
I usually put the tree and everything up the weekend after Thanksgiving. But since the holiday is later this year I will be putting things up earlier.
My tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving, but since the holiday is later this year we may put it up sooner.
We don’t put a tree up since there is limited space
I decorate whenever I get the chance and it’s starting to feel like the holidays 🙂 It’s never too early to put up your tree! Whenever you want! 🙂
I start decorating right after thanksgiving. It’s tradition.
I wait until after Thanksgiving to put our tree up
around 1 week before the Christmas time
I start decorating for Christmas right after Thanksgiving
I usually put my tree up 2 weeks before. November is too early.
Thanks for the contest.
My tree is up now! But I take my sweet time decorating it. I enjoy every single process of it all.
1-2 weeks before
In general like 2 weeks before.. that is if we put one up anyway.
2 weeks before
I don’t put up a Christmas Tree. I don’t think Christmas decorations should go up before Thanksgiving but hey, that’s just me
i put my tree up after thanksgiving
I have begun decorating –little by little already.
But the tree we do not put up until two weeks before Christmas as we get a live tree and I try to make it stay live until just after the New Year.
No, I wait till after Thanksgiving for real tree. I use my smaller artificial trees for the different holidays so they will be changed Dec. 1st.
We put the Christmas Tree up the week before Christmas.
I put mine up in December
I put it up the day after Thanksgiving. I’d put it up earlier but my husband likes to wait until that day.
A little bit before Thanksgiving.
It kinda varies…I’m thinking of putting mine up this weekend, actually 🙂
In November all different times. I dont think its too early.
1 week before !
We put our christmas tree up on December ist.
I wouldn’t put up a Christmas tree until after Thanksgiving.
We usually get a tree on black friday. Helps get us in the mood for Christmas after all that turkey.
I usually put my tree up between Thanksgiving and the first of December. I don’t think November is too early to decorate and the only reason I don’t is limited time.
I usually put my tree up between Thanksgiving and the first of December. I don’t think November is too early to decorate and the only reason I don’t is limited time .
When do you put your Christmas Tree up? Is November too soon to start decorating for Christmas?
around thanksgiving..the two holidays are pretty much the same
We put it up at the begionning of December.
We put it up at the beginning of December.
Usually around Thanksgiving.
I usually put up my tree the first week of December!
Some time after Thanksgiving.
I put our beautiful artificial tree in the family room the day after Thanksgiving. Our 2nd tree we go to a tree farm and get an 11 foot tree for the living room.
We usually put it up a few weeks before Christmas.
We put ours up on Thanksgiving day, though I am thinking of this week this year.
It depends. In the past, I have put the tree up around the second week of December. Last year I put it up the weekend after Thanksgiving.
We always put the tree up on my sister’s birthday: Nov 21st! 🙂
I like to decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving
If I put one up it’s after Thanksgiving but I’ve not put one up the last couple of years.
November is never too early. But we usually get it and put it up after Thanksgiving. But we have definitely put a tree up before Thanksgiving before.
We usually put our Christmas tree up late, but we’re planning on getting a fake one this year so it might go up a lot earlier.
usually right before christmas
We usually buy and put our Christmas tree up the week after thanksgiving.
right after my birthday on dec 18
We put it up Thanksgiving Day Evening when the whole family is here and we do it all together
Nope! November is perfect for decorating! My lights are all up. The tree though doesn’t go up until Dec. 1st because we like a live tree.
We put it up on black Friday.
I always have intentions of getting a tree up right after Thanksgiving but it always gets postponed a week or two.
We put up our Christmas tree on the first weekend in December.
I put mine up sometime after Thanksgiving. I don’t get into the mood until then.
We try to put up tree and decorate on Thanksgiving school break.
Our ttree goes up the next weekend after Thanksgiving. Like the first weekend in December.
We are faithful at leaving Thanksgiving be Thanksgiving. But since I love Christmas SO much, we don’t wait long after Thanksgiving. We always put up our Christmas stuff the day after/weekend after Thanksgiving!
We usually put ours up the weekend after Thanksgiving, but we had to put it up early this year.
Before Thanksgiving is way too early to put up Christmas decorations! We always do our Christmas decorating the weekend after Thanksgiving.
I usually put it up the day after Christmas.
I put my Christmas tree and inside decorations up the Friday after Thanksgiving (so in November).
We usually put our tree up the first weekend in December. It’s never too early to put it up if you want to.
i think anytime after thanksgiving is ok to put up christmas decorations.
I put it up soon after Thanksgiving. I say whatever makes people happy. There’s too much negativity in the world. People should do what they like with decorating, or not decorating.
We are putting up our Christmas tree the day before Thanksgiving. We are babysitting our grandson on that day and he will be there to help us.
I put it up the day after Thanksgiving.
If I’m going some ones house for the holiday, no tree. If they are coming to my house, then a day before they show up. 2 or 3 days before Xmas.
We don’t celebrate Christmas or put up a tree.
My tree is up with decorations after Thanksgiving.
We put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving.
Right after Thanksgiving but we put it up earlier this year. Happy Thanksgiving!
We actually put it up before Thanksgiving this year.
We get our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving.
I always have the goal of after Thanksgiving, no I don’t think it’s too soon.