Back to School, Winter Break is Over!
What do you do when your kids go back to school? My big debate all day has been should I get up and do some housework that has been neglected while the girls were home, or be lazy and catch up on some TV shows? Want to guess what won out? Lets just say that the housework will be there tomorrow!!
It is super quiet in my house today. The kids have gone back to school and it is just my hubby, myself and our oldest daughter (until she goes to work anyway). I can actually watch a program on TV and not have to turn the volume up so loud it deafens the neighbors.
The hardest part about kids being off on breaks, is the getting them back into a regular routine. I am a firm believer in trying to keep their bedtimes semi normal, so we don’t have such a huge battle when school starts back. However, even with the best of intentions, somehow they end up staying up so much later than I intend for them to.
Mommy had some extra days off as well, so the girls got to spend some extra , quality time with their mom during this past Christmas break. Mom works 2nd shift, so she only sees them on the weekends. Most of the time , she only gets Saturday night and Sunday with them, as they are at the other grandpa’s house from Friday until Saturday evening. So my battle came in when they were all in the bedroom hanging out, playing XBox or watching NetFlix, do I really put them to bed, when they don’t have to get up in the morning? Most nights, the answer to that questions was No, let them hang out. After all, they are only this age once, and they miss being with their mom. Besides I know they are still making up for lost time. (details on that in another post, another day)
Now that school is back in session, we will be getting back to the normal routine of homework, school activities, etc. I have to admit although the house is quiet today, I miss my girls!! They are what keep their Papa and I young! They are so busy with activities while in school, I always feel like we are on break with them.
The one thing that I did think about this morning as they went back to school, was that means that SoftBall season is right around the corner!! Woo hoo!! My all time favorite time of the year!! All my kids have played ball at some point in their lives, and I love going to the games!
What do you do when your kids go back to school? Do you have a lazy day and just lay around the house like I did today? Or take advantage of the fact that you don’t have kids around and get all that extra housework done that you put off while they were home? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!
It’s kind of nice when the kids go d back to school!
Enjoy all the peace and quiet! 🙂
You deserve the peace and quiet! Enjoy and relax!
HHa love all the memes!!
This reminds me about how I feel when my boyfriend has to go back to school lol #teacherlife I also use to be a teacher and it’s So hard to get back on a routine once those winter break feels set in.
We enjoy the extra family time, and then also enjoy getting back into a routine. Thanks for sharing!
I don’t have any kids, so I just spend my holidays lazying around. It was really nice!