Grandparent Types
January 20, 2020

I wonder how many types of grandparents are out there? What category do you fit into?
I figured I’d take a few minutes today and write about some of the different types of grandparents, my husband and I are. I really think we’re run the full gamut of grandparent types. We are “parents” again to our oldest 2 granddaughters, we’re “weekend grandparents” to the twins, “full time get to see them every day” grandparents to our middle daughter’s children, and across the country “don’t really know us” grandparents to husbands grandchildren from 1st marriage.
As I sit here tonight, watching my twin 2 year old grand babies…I can’t help but think to myself, I didn’t envision grand-parenting to be like this.

You see, I’m not watching the twins because I get to do the traditional babysitting on weekends, like normal grandparents. I’ve got them tonight because their mom is in jail and their dad is sick. He needed some extra help tonight and I’m sooo thankful he called and asked me!! As they both have acted out tonight, I can’t help but think this behavior because mom isn’t here? This is moms 2nd time in jail in less than 6 months. I find myself sitting and crying because I know they don’t understand. They usually have their older sisters here, yet tonight that wasn’t the case. It’s been a rough night with just Nana and Papa watching the twins… but again, I’m happy dad knows to call on us when things get tough.
The twins don’t live with Papa & I. However, their older sisters have lived with us for about the last 5 or 6 years. The 13 year old is at a friend’s house tonight, while the 12 year old is skating.

I will admit I’m a little jealous of those grandparents that get to spoil the grandkids, then send them home to their parents. I don’t get that experience with my 2 oldest grandchildren. I pray as time goes on that I will continue to have that kind of relationship with the younger grand-kids.
Thirteen years ago, when we first became grandparents, neither my husband nor I ever envisioned that we’d be raising that granddaughter. Or her sister that was born 1 year and 18 days later. My husband and I and their mom have all come to realize that the best place for these girls is right here in our home. Of course, we continue to pray that they have a relationship with their mom. At this point, I don’t know what that’s going to look like long term, so we will just pray and put that in God’s hands.
As the twins are settling in and their 12 year old sister comes home to cuddle with them, my house starts to quiet down again. I find myself wondering, how many other grandparents are in our position? Raising some of their grand-kids, while trying to balance being a “normal” grandparent to the rest of their grandchildren.?
I would love to hear from you if you are a grandparent raising a grandchild or grandchildren? Do you have the same emotional struggles?

These are our middle daughters babies