$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Are you looking for some extra Holiday Shopping Cash??   Here is a perfect chance to WIN some!!!  Spend it anyway you choose!!

Giveaway ends 12/1/18

  Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!       Sponsored By: 

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Crib Sheet Giveaway!

Here is a great chance to win some amazing Organic Crib Sheets!!

Giveaway ends 11/19

Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!

Sponsored By: Inspirational NEST


Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy

3 Winners Will Receive an Inspirational NEST Organic Fitted Crib Sheet!

Product Info:

We are offering premium, GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified organic baby sheets at fair prices. Our fitted, jersey knit crib sheets are organic from seed to stitch to packaging. No nasties in our sheets. We’ve made it our mission to ensure your little one is comfortable and fully protected.   Made with organic Turkish cotton and constructed with more stitches and more cotton (160GSM), our sheets take longer to produce but last through many more washes.   Measures 52 x 28 x 9 inches. Fits securely & snugly on standard crib and toddler mattresses.     Open To US entries and must be 18+ to enter Giveaway Dates ~ 10/21 9:00 AM EST through 11/19 11:59PM EST   Entry//giveawaytools.com/wid/embed.php?sk=31745778630-Form

Disclosure: Love, Mrs. Mommy and all participating bloggers are not held responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. This giveaway is in no way endorsed or sponsored by Facebook or any other social media site. The winners will be randomly drawn by Giveaway Tools and will be notified by email. Winners have 48 hours to reply before a replacement winner will be drawn. If you would like to participate in an event like this please contact LoveMrsMommy (at) gmail (dot) com. read more

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Ghost Sheets

I recently have  had the pleasure of receiving a set of Ghost Sheets and have been using them on our bed for the past several weeks.  This is the second Ghost branded product I have received. We originally got a Ghost pillow several months ago and Oh My Goodness!!  Seriously the BEST pillow I have ever owned, hands down! Yet this article/review is about the sheets, so let’s get back to those. I want to be sure I state here that my husband is extremely picky when it comes to the sheets on our bed.  In fact, I don’t purchase what I consider to be “cheap” sheets for that reason. There was several things I noticed as soon as I opened these and one of those was that the sheets had a good quality feel to them. My hubby was not so quick to give his approval, he wanted to hold out until he had a chance to sleep on them.   Now before I go further and tell you some details aobut these sheets I want to mention that they come with a guarantee. Yep, you read that correctly, the sheets themselves have a guarantee! read more

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All-Natural Tips for Cleaner Indoor Air and Healthier

As parents and grandparents, our top job is to do everything we can to keep kids safe and healthy. What many caregivers don’t always realize is that the air inside our homes can harbor pollutants and allergens that make kids sick. These pollutants often come from hidden sources and are dispersed in the air we breathe. This is why caregivers need to know where these pollutants come from and how we can clean the air in our homes to keep kids healthier.

How Does Air Affect Kids’ Health?

Indoor air pollution can come from dust mites, air fresheners, disinfectants, carbon monoxide, and paint, just to name a few of the many sources. Whatever the source may be, there are two main reasons why kids are at greater risk of health problems from indoor air. One reason is that a child’s immune system and lungs are still developing, making them more susceptible to respiratory problems and illness. Another reason is that kids are more exposed to these pollutants. Small children crawl and play on the floor, so they spend more time in close contact with the dust and other pollutants that settle in. read more

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$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

Fantastic chance to win a Gift Card!!

Perfect to have some extra spending money during upcoming holidays!!

Giveaway ends 11/14

  Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!  

Sponsored By: KarmaPets


Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy


KarmaPets dog treats bring you a fantastic giveaway this week. A $50 Amazon gift card to spend online on the Amazon store, for one lucky winner! Available on Amazon, KarmaPets calming dog treats are very popular with pups suffering from anxiety and restlessness issues. They have developed treats to help dogs with those tough times.

Winner Will Receive:

$50 Amazon Gift Card!

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Spend it on your family, save it for holiday presents, or splurge on yourself! After all, we deserve a treat every now and then too! 🙂 read more

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Libman Fall Cleaning Giveaway!!

Giveaway Ends 10/26

Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!

Enter to win a Libman “Embrace Life’s Messes” Fall Cleaning Prize Pack

Giveaway is Sponsored by Libman

and Hosted by Mommy’s Playbook

I know most people do spring cleaning, yet in my house I always do big cleaning jobs in the fall. It is nice and cool in the house and I want the house all sparkly , clean and ready for company that I know we will have over the Holiday Season.   In addition, it is a great time to get rid of extra stuff while doing some extra cleaning, again making room for anything new that you may get over the Holiday Season!!   Take advantage of this awesome giveaway!!  Easy entries found below!!
About Libman: read more

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Mistakes on Medical Records/Diagnosis: Are They Common?

Recently my husband had a huge medical scare.  The scary part is we were never informed by his doctor about it, we actually stumbled upon the information.  The doctor’s office he uses has a service where you can pull up all your medical records called, “Follow My Health”  It is a service that records everything that is done when you see your provider. They track medicines, treatments, tests, doctor’s comments, literally everything involved in your visit to your provider.  When we were first told about this feature, we were really excited. It just was going to make life easier to get simple blood test results, etc. read more

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3-Pack Shark Tooth Silicone Chews Giveaway!


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Enter to Win the Giveaway Extravaganza!

2 Grand Prize Winners + 2 Runner Ups!

This great giveaway is Sponsored by Mommy’s Touch

and Hosted by Mommy’s Playbook

This is a perfect solution to your baby’s teething needs!    I know all my kids and grand kids always grab my necklace the first thing when I pick them up.   Well, here is the perfect solution to that , they have a teething toy on your necklace!   When you are holding that baby and need to soothe their aching gums, pull the necklace out when you have them on your hip and let them teethe away! read more

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