Back to School Means Back to Sleep: How to Get Kids On Track With a Good Sleep Routine

As a parent, you notice a difference in how your child feels and acts when they don’t get enough sleep. Despite this, many of us let sleep routines slide over the summer. We can get away with it when the days are long and obligations are few, but when school starts back up, kids need to be getting plenty of zzz’s. Start getting back into that routine early and troubleshoot any sleep problems now to make this transition easier.

What’s keeping your kids up?

Before you start thinking about a sleep routine, it’s easy to overlook some of the obvious reasons that kids may have a hard time sleeping. Comfort is key for kids as much as it is for adults, and a good mattress is the foundation. If an old, worn out mattress is affecting your child’s sleep but you don’t want to spend too much on a new one, carefully look at mattress reviews for an option that won’t give you sticker shock. Take a look at your child’s bedding and pajamas too. If they have any itching, congestion, or often get overheated, Today’s Parent recommends looking for low-allergen, organic cotton pajamas and sheets. read more

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$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Are you ready to win a Gift Card??

Easy entry available below…..

Giveaway ends 10/8/18


Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!

Sponsored By: Product Expert


Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy


ProductExpert brings you a special giveaway this week, featuring a $50 Amazon voucher for one lucky winner! The website, ProductExpert is a review site with a team of specialists that review products to find which one is the best for your money. Their mission is to provide unbiased reviews for confident purchasing decisions. read more

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$50 Gift Card to Sticker You Giveaway!!

I have brought you another fantastic giveaway!!

Giveaway ends 9/21/18

Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!

Enter to Win $50 Promo Code to Sticker You!

This great giveaway is Sponsored by Sticker You

and Hosted by Mommy’s Playbook

So  do you have a child in your life that LOVES stickers??   Maybe it is you who loves them??   How about Temporary Tattoos?   My grand kids are absolutely crazy for those things!  I have a drawer in my kitchen that I stash the temporary tattoos and they know when they have been good , rooms are clean, homework done, etc….that they can go grab a sheet of them and we will have a ton of fun putting them on.   I will  share a secret with you…I like to wear them .  Especially during the summertime, when I can show off a cute butterfly on my ankle.  To me it’s like a cute anklet.  So here is your chance to WIN some for yourself!!   This company has both stickers and temporary tattoos!!  

Learn About Sticker You

StickerYou Inc. provides the best platform in the world to create custom products that make you stick! Inspired by a visit to Los Angeles’ Manhattan Beach, their founder, Andrew Witkin, noticed how stickers played a huge role in the local scene and culture. He soon set out to create an affordable way for individuals to create awesome die-cut stickers themselves. read more

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Oh The Places You’ll Go Blog Hop


Giveaway ends 9/18//18

It is that time of year again.  We are almost ready to put away the Lake Supplies and the grandkids are back in school!    Some of you may not have started back yet, or you may be like us and have been in school for almost a month already!   

Either way, I have teamed up with a great bunch of bloggers to bring you this AMAZING BLOG HOP once again!!   (I think this is our 3rd year joining this blog hop!)   Once you have entered to win the $10 Amazon Gift Card that I am giving away here on FROG Reviews and Ramblings, be sure you scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the other giveaways going on with the blogs listed below!! read more

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DoColor Makeup Brushes Review

I want to tell you about these DoColor Makeup Brushes I recently got.   Oh my goodness, I thought I was happy with the makeup brushes I was currently using until I received this set.  

When I first got them, they were sitting on my kitchen counter still in the box.  My daughter who has been doing a ton of experimenting and learning different makeup tricks came in and saw the box.  She immediately got super excited and was asking me if I had got them for her. Of course, I started laughing because Ummm….NO, these were mom’s! read more

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One Year Audiobooks Back to School Giveaway

FROG Reviews and Ramblings has teamed up to bring you an amazing Giveaway for ONE FREE YEAR OF AUDIOBOOKS.COM!!!!  (Retail value of $160!)

Giveaway ends 9/18/18

Are your kids ready for Back to School?   Why not give them a head start by making sure they are reading ALL year long!!!   Audiobooks have become a HUGE hit with my granddaughters, as they are easy to get, most of the time not as expensive and of course they have easy access no matter where they are!!

Every parent knows that kids’ brains are like sponges, soaking up drops of information and
words (even the four-letter ones we don’t always want them to). But did you know that 85
percent of what we learn, we learn by listening?
According to the Audio Publishers Association, listening increases reading accuracy by 52
percent, and combining print and audio increases memory 40 percent over print alone. is making it easier (and more fun!) for kids to expand their vocabularies,
increase reading speed, improve fluency, and teach pronunciation. No matter what genre your
child gravitates towards, has lots of exciting kids content that can be enjoyed
while waiting for appointments, before bedtime, and during car rides (the age-old question
“Are we there yet?” will become a thing of the past, even for reluctant readers).
Just in time for back to school, make any time learning time. read more

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Fire HD 10 Tablet with Alexa Giveaway

Such an AWESOME GIVEAWAY!!!     Perfect for you or to give at Christmas time for a gift!!
ENTER TODAY (see entry form below)
Giveaway ends 9/30

Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!

Fire HD 10 Tablet with Alexa Giveaway

Welcome to the Fire HD 10 Tablet with Alexa Giveaway!

Hosted By:

My Silly Little Gang

Co-Hosted By:

Deliciously Savvy / Sonya’s Happenings… / Missy’s View and Savings Clues

Fire HD 10 Tablet with Alexa Giveaway

1 Lucky Winner will receive a Fire HD 10 Tablet with Alexa in winner’s choice of Black, Red or Blue! RV $149.99

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$250 Oh! The Places You’ll Go! Cash Event

Ok guys I have EXCITING NEWS for you!!!    FROG Reviews and Ramblings is bringing you TWO of these giveaways entitled “OH THE PLACES YOU’LL GO” 

  This one is the CASH EVENT giving away $250!!!!   I will have another one starting that is a BLOG HOP, so make sure you are entering BOTH of these giveaways….as they are seperate and both have FABULOUS prizes being offered!!!


Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on FUTURE giveaways and additional posts!

Are you ready to win big during our Oh! The Places You’ll Go! $250 Cash giveaway event celebrating back to school? You have the option of choosing between $250 PayPal Cash OR a Gift Card of choice! This event was organized by The Kids Did It & The Mommy Island and sponsored by fabulous bloggers, authors, and Etsy shop owners! Plunge your way through the entries during our September Cash Giveaway Event! read more

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