Easter Basket Ideas

As Easter approaches us quickly, I find myself asking what do you put into your children’s Easter Baskets?

I have always put candy, and usually some other small trinkets, toys, hair accessories, etc. This year, I find myself wanting to do something different. Two of my granddaughters are older, ages 10 and 11, and I would like to do something that they can use this as we go into Spring and Summer months.

Easter Baskets don’t have to cost a fortune. There are so many things that you can get at Dollar Tree, for $1 or less!! Check it out here!Easter At Dollar Tree – Everything Is Just $1 read more

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Kids Digital Video Camera Giveaway!

Enter below to win this awesome Video Camera for Kids!

Don’t miss out, Giveaway ends 4/14

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Sponsored By: Top9Rated

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Love, Mrs. Mommy read more

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Fun, Safe Ways to Bond With Your Grandchildren

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Grandchildren are one of life’s blessings from above. Children are bundles of joy, even if they sometimes also seem to be bundles of endless energy. Like most grandparents, you probably are eager to spend more time with them, especially while they are young. When spending time with your grandchildren, you’ll probably want to consider activities that are entertaining for everyone while also keeping the children engaged. Of course, it’s also important to choose activities and experiences that are not only fun, but are equally safe for yourself and your grandchildren. read more

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GoTrax Giveaway / Electric scooter!

Great new Giveaway!!

Runs from 3/19/18 to 4/15/18

Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!!

*This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Spring is here and it’s time to get outdoors! We are zooming into spring with some fun outdoor toys from GOTRAX. Their glider cadet electric scooter will have your kiddos enjoying the spring weather! If your kiddos love adventure and outdoor time this is the perfect toy for them this spring. read more

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More on K12 Homeschooling

It feels like forever since I last made a post about our Homeschool adventures!

Maybe that is because it really has been awhile since I was last on here with any updates.  Needless to say, I have been a little busy.

We have just finished up the 3rd quarter, and the girls are taking Benchmark testing this week.  Ugh! Yes, we are still having to do state testing with the program we are using, K12. There is a small part of me that is ok with that, because both girls are wanting to go back to brick and mortar school next year.  So that being the case, I want them used to doing the tests. However, I have to say the testing that public schools do with our kids, is one of the biggest issues I have with them. I have learned this past quarter, more than any other time in my life raising kids , that our public education system is truly teaching our kids to test.   I think I will stop with that, .I don’t want to get started on that subject with this post….because I believe that is a subject I can cover all by itself!! read more

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Cuddle Clones Giveaway

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Cuddle Clones are the perfect gift for any pet lover. Do you, or someone you know, love their pet so deeply that they cannot image life without them? With Cuddle Clones, you can have a stuffed animal clone of your pet created. Using their amazing technology, time and love Cuddle Clones can use images which will provide and create for you a stuffed clone of your pet.

Use code MamatheFox for 10% off any order read more

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Jeepers It’s January Blog Hop Giveaway


Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!!

Have you heard of a Blog Hop before?    It is a one stop shop for entering a TON of giveaways!

Begins 1/3 , Ends 1/17/18

I have teamed up with over 90 blogs to bring you this Hop.  For my part, you can ENTER TO WIN  A $10 PayPal Cash OR $10 Amazon Gift Card, your choice!

You can certainly tell it is January in most parts of the country , it has come in with a huge cold blast for 2018!!!   Perfect time to grab a warm comfy blanket, curl up in your favorite spot and start ENTERING TO WIN!!! read more

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Back to School with K12

I thought I would give a short update on how our school year has gone up to this point with K12  

The girls have thoroughly enjoyed their winter break and we are ready to get started in our 3rd semester of  Public School Online using the K12 system. 

I will admit, we have had some huge adjustments and it hasn’t all been a  bed of roses!!    TNVA (Tennessee Virtual Academy) is the school that K12 uses for our area.   The 1st semester TNVA did a bunch of changes, and of course the girls were adjusting to learning in a virtual environment.   We had some teacher changes half way through the semester, which was a big adjustment, in addition to some technical changes on how to use the systems they had provided us.   read more

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