Halloween is always such a fun time around my house. I can remember when my kids were little and we would do all the traditional things: carve pumpkins, go to Harvest Festivals, house to house Trick or Treating, etc.
I know that we live in a day and age, that a lot of people are scared to go house to house trick or treating, but in our home we have always taken the kids house to house. Yes, I am particular where I take them and I am very blessed to live in a part of the country that I don’t have to worry as much as some other places I have lived in the past. ( I have lived places that I wouldn’t take my kids out) I know that no matter where you live and how safe you feel, we must always as parents be cautious on what we are giving our children, and I follow those rules. But as the night draws near to take the kids out this next week, it made me wonder how many people still take their kids house to house Trick or Treating??? In our little town, I would venture to say that about half if not more of the kids do go to house to house. read more
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