
Winter Is Coming Giveaway Hop

We have come to the end of the year…how is that even possible? It seems as though we just finished up summer time activities and here we are in December already!! Having said that, I have to admit, December is my all time favorite time of the year!! Everything about this month gives me joy.

I want to share that joy with all my followers yet again this year , by bringing you the annual Winter is Coming Giveaway Hop!! You will find over 50 other blogs listed at the bottom of this post that have their own individual giveaways going on!! For my part in this, I am giving away $10 in PayPal cash!! It is so easy to enter to win….so grab a seat and spend the next 10 minutes entering to win!!


This giveaway is not administered by or endorsed by PayPal.
$10 Amazon Gift Card / Winter Is Coming Giveaway Hop

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  1. Thomas Gibson says:

    Trick or Treating? Did I miss something?

  2. Maria Malaveci says:

    Didn’t take the kids out trick or treating this year!

  3. Maria Malaveci says:

    Didn’t take the kids out trick or treating this year! ♥

  4. Jackie says:

    We’ve had some days already that felt like winter, but tomorrow it’s suppose to be 55 degrees. Crazy weather.

  5. Molli Taylor says:

    it usually feels like winter by christmas but we may not get real snow until frebruary

  6. Natalie says:

    It definitely is getting colder but we only had one day of snow so far in MN but I know it is coming!

  7. Kari B says:

    We’ve gotten a lot of snow here in Michigan since Thanksgiving.

  8. Kim Avery says:

    It usually hits around the middle of December. We’ve had snow but its melted by the afternoon.

  9. Chris L says:

    wINTER IS HERE AND IT IS cold!!!

  10. Christopher S says:

    The snow arrives about the same time every year, but when it does arrive we get a TON of it!

  11. Ann Fantom says:

    We usually get a couple of significant snow storms each Winter here in upstate NY

  12. Sarah L says:

    We have now gone 244 days without snow. This is very strange.
    Thanks for the contest.

  13. Bea LaRocca says:

    We don’t get nearly enough snow here in my opinion but it does get cold. We usually get our first snow in December or January but there has been snow as early as October in years past.

  14. Renee S says:

    We usually have a lot more by now buy we get the most in February.

  15. Darlene Carbajal says:

    Winter hits here like the second week of December. Very cloudy with rain. I love it.

  16. wendy hutton says:

    snow always hits here before halloween this year its been warm but in January we gets lots

  17. NANCY says:

    We get cold snaps, like right now but it rarely gets that bad.

  18. Debbie P says:

    Winter starts to hit right about now where I live.

  19. Michelle H. says:

    It varies where I live. A couple of years ago we already had a light snow by now. It is starting to get colder where we live, but I think it will hit us here by next week with the colder weather.

  20. Ken Ohl says:

    Here in Florida we Welcome some cooler weather 9 months so hot about 75 to 80 degrees here now beautiful

  21. Debbi Wellenstein says:

    The weather has been very mild so far this year. We have gotten snow and ice on Halloween, and 80+ degrees in December!

  22. Mary Gardner says:

    Winter can hit here anywhere from mid October to January. We usually get 2 maybe 3 snows over 6 inches every year but most storms bring us ice instead of snow.

  23. Susan Smith says:

    I starts getting cold here in December and we will get about 25 inches of snow total for the year.

  24. birgette oster says:

    we get lots of snow, and ice

  25. Cindy Merrill says:

    I’ve been told the snow hits our area sometime around Christmas, usually as a storm.

  26. heather says:

    We used to have a good winter with rain and snow but so far it is 60 degrees here and no rain or snow yet.

  27. Leela says:

    It’s on and off.

  28. Cindy Merrill says:

    Just found out I won $10 on the Stocking Stuffer Giveaway! Hey, thanks so much, Sandy! I’ll use it to buy dental water additive for my dear old cat Fred!

  29. Leslie Price says:

    We get our first snow here in the PNW mountains in the fall- there’s snow on the ground already and we’ll have a white Christmas- and it sticks around until late spring.

  30. Kelly McGrew says:

    Usually November, then gets a bit better in early December, then BOOM WINTER until March! (Pittsburgh)

  31. wen budro says:

    We’ve gotten a little snow but not much yet. Last year it got to 29 below zero so there’s still time.

  32. Annmarie Weeks says:

    Here on the eastern shore of MD, we don’t get a ton of snow. And it doesn’t get too freezing cold, but it is definitely colder than down south. It does snow sometimes, but melts pretty quickly (unless it’s a really big storm).

  33. Jeanna Massman says:

    I live in Arizona. The weather has been beautiful! We’ve gotten a little rain and it’s getting colder. It’s very unlikely we will have snow!

  34. Cathy French says:

    I am in central Ohio where we get a moderate amount of snow in the winter. I sure miss living in fl.

  35. Daniel M says:

    winter hits usually around now and peaks in febuary, only 26 degrees out now

  36. Heather says:

    Winter doesn’t truly arrive until January, but there will be a couple days of cold before then. Never snows, even though it gets cold enough.

    Happy Holidays!

  37. BRIAN E. says:

    Desert Southwest: starting to get those overnight lows, 30’s & 40’s, but usually have sunny days 60’s to 70’s…still need a sweater !!!

  38. Michele Pineda says:

    sometimes as soon as late October here in Central Maine!

  39. Anita Jude says:

    Sometimes it snows in December but we get most of the snow in January/February months but its already been cold here in the 20’s at night and 40’s to 60’s in the daytime

  40. Jeryl M. says:

    It usually hits anywhere between November and January.

  41. Laura A. says:

    Most of our winter weather hits between February to March. We get very little snow. However, we typically get a few bad ice storms each winter. It’s not uncommon to have 70+ degree weather and then it drops to below freezing.

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my post be sure to comment below!

About Sandy