The Best Online Rainy-Day Boredom Busters for Kids

We all love this time of year when the weather warms up and we can enjoy the spring and summer sunshine with our families, but it also comes with its fair share of rainy days. When spring and summer showers leave the kids stuck inside, boredom can set in pretty quickly. If you’re drawing a blank on how to keep kids entertained, go online for boredom-busting activities that are both fun and educational.

Get moving with exercise videos

When it’s warm out, kids can get plenty of exercise just by playing. But when they’re stuck inside, they end up bouncing off the walls (hopefully not literally!). Online exercise is a great way to get moving without ever leaving the house. There are all kinds of dance videos to choose from. Some provide actual lessons on all types of dance, from classical ballet to ballroom to hip hop. Who knows? They may even discover a new passion. Other videos you can simply pop on for a fun living room dance party. Tell your kids to queue up their favorite dance or music videos and boogie up a storm.
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All-Natural Tips for Cleaner Indoor Air and Healthier

As parents and grandparents, our top job is to do everything we can to keep kids safe and healthy. What many caregivers don’t always realize is that the air inside our homes can harbor pollutants and allergens that make kids sick. These pollutants often come from hidden sources and are dispersed in the air we breathe. This is why caregivers need to know where these pollutants come from and how we can clean the air in our homes to keep kids healthier.

How Does Air Affect Kids’ Health?

Indoor air pollution can come from dust mites, air fresheners, disinfectants, carbon monoxide, and paint, just to name a few of the many sources. Whatever the source may be, there are two main reasons why kids are at greater risk of health problems from indoor air. One reason is that a child’s immune system and lungs are still developing, making them more susceptible to respiratory problems and illness. Another reason is that kids are more exposed to these pollutants. Small children crawl and play on the floor, so they spend more time in close contact with the dust and other pollutants that settle in.

Exposure to pollutants in the air can lead to both acute and chronic pulmonary illness. Your child may have symptoms of allergies, such as itchy and watery eyes, coughing, and sneezing. These symptoms may come and go depending on when or where they’re exposed to the source. Some children will develop ongoing problems such as chronic allergies and asthma.

Where Does Unhealthy Air Come From (And Where Does It End Up)?

In order to do something about air pollutants in your home, you have to know where they come from and where to find them. These are just a few of the most common sources:

  • Dust mites – Dust can settle on just about any surface in your home, including some that we often overlook. Fabrics, including bedding, carpet, and window treatments, are some of the top spots where dust collects.
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    PUBLIC SCHOOL OR HOME SCHOOL??  That is the question of the week!!

    I have 2 granddaughters that I pulled from the public school system last year, They were headed into 4th and 6th grade.  I am going to be bold faced honest here, I was scared to death to home-school them!! Yet, I was just as scared to leave them in the public school system.  So I did a TON of research and decided to pull them. I wasn’t confident enough to feel as though I could do a good job with them by doing what is referred to as “traditional home-school”, so I enrolled them in a program that is Nationwide, called K12.   They still followed all the educational teaching as if they were in public school, but they were taught at home, via a computer.  The wonderful thing about K12, is that they will supply basically everything you need.  They send a computer, printer, books, rulers, microscope, art supplies, music supplies, etc for FREE!!   

    Each day they  had a class for all the  major subject: Math, English Language , Science and Social Studies (history). In addition to that, they had additional time that was allotted each week for Art and Music.  Every morning they were up , had breakfast and signed onto a virtual classroom with a live teacher and they participated in a classroom with other kids.  I have to admit, 99% of the time we were doing “school” in their pajamas.  This program is a wonderful tool for those that don’t want their children in public schools , for whatever reason, and yet don’t feel as though traditional home-school is within their realm of possibilities.  Each state has what is called Virtual school and for my state that was Tennessee Virtual Academy (TNVA)

    The girls still were required to do 6.5 hours a day of either live classes or live classes combined with assignments that were assigned through their teachers.  The majority of that work was done on the computer for my oldest granddaughter, the one in 6th grade. We did some assignments that were offline, yet we still had to “turn in the work” via her classroom sign in.  The 4th grader did a lot online as well, yet she had more offline work that I helped her with individually. We did things such as spelling , studying sentence structure, vocabulary, etc. Once she had completed her off line work, she would have to go online and take a test based on what we had studied.   The wonderful thing is you don’t have to have a large area for this type of schooling, I literally used my kitchen table.  We hung a whiteboard in the diking room area that kept our daily schedules and little words of encouragement or wisdom for the day.  

    Both the girls still had weekly tests they had to take, they received a grade for that work in addition to any classroom assignments for the week.   At the end of the year, we also did the state mandated TCAP testing. That was the only testing that we had to go to a designated site and they were tested in a live one on one testing site.  Of course, they received a quarterly report card with their grades each semester, just as they would in public schools. Several times during the year TNVA scheduled what they called “outings” where we were able to gather with other kids and teachers from TNVA and we had a fun day.   In addition to that, my girls were enrolled in a local YMCA program for home-school kids on Friday afternoons, where they were able to get together with kids their ages and had some organized play,they went swimming and basically just had some time away from “school” on Fridays. We also had PE daily at home, basically consisted of jumping and doing tricks on trampoline or riding bikes outside

    As they year came to an end, they both had told me they wanted to go back to public school for the following school year.  Their mom and I had a lot of debates about that, yet we decided in the end that we would give it a try. We had originally pulled them due to several reasons, one of the main reasons though was we didn’t feel as though their individual educational needs were being met.  In addition to that , we were concerned about some of the friend choices being made. So here we are , on Fall Break, nine weeks into their school year.

    The question we are facing now is should we continue with public school or go to the next step, which is traditional home-school.  For a variety of reasons, I won’t go back to the K12 system. The main reason though, is the freedom that homeschooling will give us as opposed to public school online, aka K12/TNVA.   We were so locked into a schedule with TNVA, and that works great for some parents, yet for me I want the freedom to be able to teach them in order to LEARN, not just teach them to TEST.   Sadly, I think that is what our public school system has become.

    My youngest granddaughter that we had pulled from school last year, so far is doing great.  Her grades are showing A’s and B’s. However, if you look at the actual work she is doing, they haven’t taught her very much that is new this year as opposed to what she was learning last  year. I understand that they do review for the first few weeks, but her ENTIRE 9 weeks has been review with very few new things taught. My older granddaughter who is in 7th grade is FAILING.   She is getting D’s and F’s. THAT is concerning to say the least!! We have tried communicating with her teachers and the end result is she is still failing. Now, I know a lot of that is on her and she just isn’t applying herself.   I know that there has been some bullying and adjustments, but how long do we wait to see if she pulls her grades up? That is the question that we are debating right now!!

    When do you make the final choice to pull your child from public school?   I know in my heart, that she will do better being taught at home. She will have the individual attention needed to make sure that she is doing the work and actually applying it.   After having had both girls home last year, I learned a lot and I feel that I could successfully teach her at home, through a traditional home-school curriculum. To be honest, I basically already have it picked out what I would use this year.   As with any parent that home-schools for the first time, of course I am a little nervous and want to be certain that I give her the best education possible!

    We are still in the decision making stages of Public School or Home-school question.  There is so much more that goes into why I feel that home school is a better option for them at this point, but I will leave that to be talked about another day! I will update again once we have made a final choice and of course let you know how that is going!!   So until the saga continues….. read more

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    Back to School Means Back to Sleep: How to Get Kids On Track With a Good Sleep Routine

    As a parent, you notice a difference in how your child feels and acts when they don’t get enough sleep. Despite this, many of us let sleep routines slide over the summer. We can get away with it when the days are long and obligations are few, but when school starts back up, kids need to be getting plenty of zzz’s. Start getting back into that routine early and troubleshoot any sleep problems now to make this transition easier.


    What’s keeping your kids up?

    Before you start thinking about a sleep routine, it’s easy to overlook some of the obvious reasons that kids may have a hard time sleeping. Comfort is key for kids as much as it is for adults, and a good mattress is the foundation. If an old, worn out mattress is affecting your child’s sleep but you don’t want to spend too much on a new one, carefully look at mattress reviews for an option that won’t give you sticker shock. Take a look at your child’s bedding and pajamas too. If they have any itching, congestion, or often get overheated, Today’s Parent recommends looking for low-allergen, organic cotton pajamas and sheets.


    Is your routine conducive to sleep?

    Along with a comfortable environment, your everyday schedule makes a big difference in how well kids sleep. Start getting into a back-to-school sleep routine early and gradually. Yale sleep expert Dr. Craig Canapari recommends moving sleep times back slowly and focusing on earlier wake times, because bedtimes will then eventually adjust.


    As you start getting back into a better sleep schedule, look at how your daytime and evening routine impacts your child’s sleep too:


  • Work with the body’s natural sleep rhythms. Our bodies naturally produce melatonin, a hormone that regulates our sleep cycle. Exposure to light is one of the biggest factors that affects the body’s production of melatonin, and recent studies have shown that exposure to blue light suppresses melatonin production much more than any other light wavelengths. Electronics are the primary source of blue light, which means you can help kids’ natural sleep rhythm get back in balance by limiting screen time to early in the day.
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    Learn To Sew and Crochet

    My first grandchild was born 12 years ago, and i can remember the day I got the news how excited I was.   The very first thing I wanted to do was crochet a baby blanket for her! The problem was that I hadn’t crocheted since I was a kid.   I had always wanted to learn how to do it better, yet just never found the time. read more

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    Children, Technology and Apps

    My two oldest granddaughters have started back to public school this year and I am realizing that in just the one school year that they were home with me learning, that things have changed quite a bit.  

    The first thing I realized is that so much more of their school day is spent with technology.  The girls are in 5th and 7th grade, and they don’t have physical books for several classes. What do they use then?   The answer is simple, computers. It does concern me for those households that don’t have a computer at home. I worry that those children are at a disadvantage.   Yes, they can go to a local library and do whatever work needs to be done, but if that is a young child, then the parent also has to find the time to sit and do the work with that child.   read more

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    Beach Homes

    Sunrise on Ocean Isle Beach

    We recently went on a family vacation to Ocean Isle Beach, NC and I fell in love with this little beach community.

    Perfect place to relax and read a book

    We stayed in a stunning 4 bedroom condo, that was absolutely perfect for our family!  Each bedroom has it’s own bathroom. It was set up so that it basically had 2 master bedrooms, and then the  other 2 rooms had 2 full size beds in it. The furniture and the finishes on the condo were beautiful, making our stay there awesome!!   We were 4 stories up, so our view from our deck was amazing. The deck was huge, large enough for my whole family to gather around and hang out.  The inside had large windows all the way across the living room and dining area. There was 2 entrances out on to the deck, which just made everything flow easily.  In addition, we really appreciated the fact that they had an elevator , so we weren’t exhausted by the time we got into the condo. We rented from Cottage Vacations, and the owner Cliff Huck  is great to work with. From the very first time I contacted him , right up to getting our deposit back was a great experience. I highly recommend using him if you are looking for a beach vacation spot.  I have looked through his site extensively and he has a ton of properties to choose from. read more

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    K12 End of Year Outing

    Here is the great thing about being a student within TNVA, several times a year they have what they call Outing days.   This past week , we had one scheduled where we were meeting up at a park about 30 minutes from my house, TNVA does their best to pick locations that will work for people , so that they don’t have to drive a crazy distance to take part in them.  

    Two days before the outing, I took a HUGE fall!!  I was getting out of our truck, when I stepped down, my foot slipped on somebody’s nasty Dairy Queen slushie cup, that they had just dumped outside their car.   When I was finally able to get up and walk, I was sooo mad!! Due to my disabilities, for me to take a fall like that is awful. I slammed straight down HARD jarring my entire spine, fell back , hit my neck (RIGHT where all the bars and plates are in my neck) on the runner you use to step in and out of a truck and hit my head on the floorboard of the truck.    I was barely able to drive home. Thank God my daughter was with me and she helped me get up and make it to the house. read more

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