Sibling Rivalry!!


What do you do when you have 2 siblings that are only a year apart in age, and they start bickering and fighting non stop?   I can remember when the girls were each other’s best friends.   They would play together and yes occasionally, we would have the sisterly fight.  But that was the abnorm, not the norm.    Things have taken a turn recently and while I know it is normal to fight and fuss with your sibling, it doesn’t make it any easier to correct from a parental role. read more

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Many years ago, a friend of mine told me that she had to get her laundry done that day, when I called her on New Year’s Eve morning and asked what she was up to that day.  She went on to tell me that if her laundry wasn’t all done by New Year’s Day, that she was sure to never be able to catch up all year.  The funny part about that, is that the comment stuck with me, and so yes every year after that, I make sure that all the laundry in the house is done on New Year’s Eve.  (with a family as large as mine, why chance it?) read more

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Bath and Body Addiction!!!


I have a small confession….I am a Bath and Body addict!!   Many years ago, while I was staying with my little sister on a visit, I used some of her Bath and Body shower gel, and I was instantly in love with their products.  On that same visit, we went to a sale that they were having and I bought so much that I had to purchase another bag to take on the flight home.  That was the beginning of my addiction.

Now, I have to admit, I have no desire to have any kind of intervention or rehab for my addiction.  All I need to know is when the next Semi Annual Sale will be and I can go get my Bath and Body fix!!   The good news…..that sale is happening NOW!!  Twice a year, they have a sale with 75% off the seasons scents, and that is when I go and stock up!!  They also have a ton at 50% off and some great buys on their hand soaps!!      I purchase not only for myself, but for my kids for birthdays, Christmas etc.    The Semi Annual Sale happens in the Summer time and then again, right after Christmas.  I always save enough of my Christmas fund, to go shopping afterwards!!   read more

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Neck Surgery and Life afterwards


It is hard to believe that it has been 7 years since my first neck surgery.   I say that because although a part of me feels like it has been a lifetime that I have been dealing with the pain from it, there is another part of me that has a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that life changed so drastically for me 7 years ago.

Prior to having my 1st surgery, I had been dealing with neck pain and the side effects of the damage to my spine, for about 20 years.   It of course, progressively got worse over the years.  At first, I would have occasional flare ups, where I wouldn’t be able to lift my head off the pillow in the morning.  On those days, my husband would literally have to come lift me from my shoulders, supporting my neck/head and lift my upper body up so I could sit up.   When I would have that kind of a flare up, I generally ended up on a heating pad for a couple of days.  I had been to our regular doctor, when I had one of these episodes, and had been given muscle relaxers to use when I had a flare up.   For the most part, they did the trick and I was able to return to work within a day or so and continue on with my normal activities, raising kids, taking care of the house, working, etc.  I would generally only have a flare up like that about every 4-6 months.   I knew at the time as I went through those episodes that eventually it would reach a point that I would have to make a different decision as far as treatment went.  I was right, as they started happening more frequently and the symptoms became increasingly worse. read more

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Holiday Traditions


Holiday traditions are such an important part of families and so I thought I would share with you a little about one of my families.  

Years ago, when we first moved to Tennessee, we had moved away from all our family, so I had to come up with some new traditions to do with my kids.   Prior to moving, we had always gone and did things at different family members.  I have to say although I miss my family dearly, I do love the new traditions that I do with my children and now my grandchildren.   read more

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What dishes do you serve on Thanksgiving?


I am not sure how it happened, but somehow Thanksgiving has crept up on me this year!!  I mean where in the world did 2016 go?   Anyway, it dawned on me the other day , that I had better start making my list of goodies I will be preparing this year for my family.  I am asking for some help this year from you though!!!

Most families plan Thanksgiving around what family members they have to go visit.   I moved our family from California to Tennessee 16 years ago, and when we did that, I had to develop some new Holiday Traditions.   Prior to our move, I would generally do a Thanksgiving meal with my hubby and kids, and then we would head to my mother in law’s house and do another dinner there.   We would almost always try and plan a trip to my mom’s house. (another 5 hours away) read more

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The Thankful Book


Five years ago, I went and bought a journal, that I sit on our table by the TV in the living room.   The book is called our Thankful Book.  Each day, every one in the family has to write what they are thankful for .   I  know that now, you will see it all over Facebook and other Social Media sites, where people post what they are thankful for each day.   To be honest , I have done that once or twice.    But I want to point out, that I can’t easily go back and look at those posts.   This post is to share with you a better way that I have been having our family state what they are Thankful for. read more

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Halloween Fun


I find myself sitting here exhausted but so beyond happy after all the fun activities of the day.  I have to confess though, I was slightly stressed at the beginning of the night, and let’s just say I wouldn’t have received the “Mom of the Day” award!!
When I woke up this morning and thought about what we had planned for the afternoon, I got exhausted just thinking about what the night would bring.   I want to say, because of my disabilities , I was a little concerned I would be able to do it all, but thankfully I have some great daughters that helped me get through the night!  I knew it was going to get busy and crazy with trying to coordinate not only the granddaughters that are living with me, but also making sure that timing worked out with my daughter , her fiance’ and the newest 6 month old granddaughter.   In addition to that, it was important to me to meet up with my best friend of 16 years and her crew of kids , sometime throughout the night.    As long as we have known each other, if she was living here in town, we meet up and do Halloween trick or treating with  our kids.   We joked about it last year, because now our own children are grown and no longer trick or treating, yet here we are 16 years later and we still find ourselves out running around town with little ones. She is raising 2 grandchildren, that she has since adopted, and  in addition to them she is a foster parent and has 2 extra little ones this year.    I don’t envy her at all, and honestly I am not sure how she does it.   She has 3 kids under the age of 4 yrs old , plus a 9 or 10 yr old!   When I think of her , two things go through my mind…..#1, she must be Super Woman and I have just never seen the cape , and #2 there is no way at my age I could take on what she has!   I love her dearly, and am very thankful that she is there for those babies! read more

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