Soft, Absorbent Towels!!

I am fairly picky when it comes to towels for my family.  I got this set of 2 hand towels the other day and I have to say I am really impressed.   Now keep in mind, I am not the mom that will buy my towels at Walmart or any other inexpensive place , just so I can have towels in the house.  I am by no means wealthy, I just feel that towels are one of those household items that you want to invest a little money into, because you want something that will last and feels good against your skin.  I always ask myself, how often do you really buy towels? The answer is not often if I have invested in a good set to begin with. read more

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Ultimate Guide to Influencer Marketing

I have been blogging and an influencer for several  years now. When I first began, I basically just started putting up blog posts, with no direction or education on how to blog.  I have over the years made a lot of mistakes, and by no means have it all figured out.

I recently purchased a book , The Ultimate Guide to Influencer Marketing, by Joe Sinkwitz.  The book is sectioned into two parts. Part 1 is focused on “Using an Influencer” and Part 2 focuses on becoming a “Top Tier Influencer”.   I have personally focused on part 2 of this book ,as that is what will benefit me the most. read more

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Teepee Joy Set Giveaway

How fun would this be for your child grandchild, neice, nephew?  
Don’t miss out on entering this Giveaway!!
Giveaway ends 8/24
Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!

Sponsored By: Teepee Joy

Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy

Co-Hosted By:=&0=&

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Healthy Eating and Snacks

As most know, I have 2 older grandchildren that I write about fairly frequently.  It seems as though the older they get , the more they are fixated on snacking all day long!   I know from raising my own children, that the teenage years can literally make you feel as though you need to take out a personal loan just to be able to feed them on a daily basis.  I am certain there must be some type of science behind why they start eating exorbitant amounts of food when they reach puberty, but to be honest with you, it is irrelevant to me. My focus is on how to feed them without breaking the bank and to get them to develop healthy eating habits. read more

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$30 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Check out this AMAZING Giveaway!! 
 These are the coolest water bottles I have ever seen for kids!!
Giveaway ends 8/5

Don’t forget to subscribe to FROG Reviews and Ramblings by clicking on the button on the right side of this page, so you don’t miss out on future Giveaways and additional posts!
Gululu! The Summer Hydration Helper!

This summer has been extremely hot!!  It is always important we keep our kids hydrated, it seems as though this summer it has been a huge task!    It’s no secret that most children need an incentive to remember to drink when they are busy playing at the park, swimming at the beach, and hanging out with friends. Sometimes we choose to give our kids drinks that are high in sugar and not as healthy as we would like in an effort to get them to drink, when we could be doing something radically different — like giving our child a Gululu interactive water bottle instead! Gululu helps to remind your child to drink more water through a tamagucci-like pet that grows when children drink! Parents can be sure it is working by tracking progress on the app! Learn more below! read more

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Faithful Family Activites for the Whole Family

It is important for families to spend quality time as a family while the kids are home for summer break, and as a family there are lots of opportunities to not only grow closer with each other, but also with God. Here are some fun faith-centered family ideas that will enrich the entire family in the Spirit.

Plan a Nature Day-

Gather the family together and enjoy a wonderful family picnic on a nice summer day, then go on a family nature walk or visit a nice swimming spot on a lake or in the woods to revel in God’s creation. Use this as a time to teach about appreciating the majesty of God’s creation.  I love to take the grandkids to the lake and we talk about all that God has created.

At home Bible games-

Play fun bible games like Bible Trivia or Bible Jeopardy with the kids.

Attend weekly church functions and activities as a family-

Church barbecues, Baptism ceremonies, Tent Revivals, Bible studies, and worship services that are outside of the weekly Sunday services are great ways to bond and grow in your faith as a family together. Check your church’s calendar to look for fun opportunities! read more

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Unhealthy Relationship With Money

Today I have a guest blogger with a great article that she wrote.  Please let me know in comments below if you have also had an experience similar and/or your thoughts and comments.  I always love hearing back from my readers on what I have here on the blog!

My Unhealthy Relationship With Money.

I’m not really sure how or when it started.

I grew up in a typically middle-class family.  Both of my parents worked and up until my younger sister went off to college, I’m pretty sure my Mom still made it home to greet us at the end of the school day.  We lived modestly. We had a nice house, went on vacation once a year, my sister and I shared our own car and we didn’t pay our own car insurance or gas. I had a variety of part-time jobs throughout high school.  I got a decent job after college, but lived at home because that’s what I could afford. read more

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5 Side Gigs for Busy, Cash-Strapped Parents

Hard-working parents always seem to be strapped for cash. It’s costly to raise a family these days. Thankfully, there are quite a few ways for busy parents to put a little extra change in their pockets. If your one of the millions of grandparents that are raising their grandchildren, this could be the perfect solution to assist you financially in raising your grands.   A good portion of  grandparents that take on this task are retired and the financial commitment to raising our grands, can be a little overwhelming.  Side gigs are a growing trend for busy parents, but you need to find the right gig to avoid taking precious time away from your family life. Here are a few ways you can earn some extra income for your family without filling up your time: read more

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