Back to School, Winter Break is Over!


What do you do when your kids go back to school?    My big debate all day has been should I get up and do some housework that has been neglected while the girls were home, or be lazy and catch up on some TV shows?     Want to guess what won out?     Lets just say that the housework will be there tomorrow!!   


It is super quiet in my house today.   The kids have gone back to school and it is just my hubby, myself and our oldest daughter (until she goes to work anyway).  I can actually watch a program on TV and not have to turn the volume up so loud it deafens the neighbors.   read more

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We Walked Away!

accident-truck-before-accidentToday has had a lot of mixed emotions for me. Jan 3rd 2015 was a day that will always live in my memory as the day that God showed up and protected my family.    (I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but there is really no way to shorten it.  This is a hard one to put get written down, as I relived it as I wrote it)

My best friend of almost 20 years,  Diane, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in May of the year prior.  When she was diagnosed , I immediately made a trip to her house.   My husband stayed for a day or so, and then traveled home by himself.   He knew that I needed to be there with her while she went through her first treatments.   I stayed for several weeks and then came home.   Yet, I hadn’t been home long when I felt that I needed to go back.   That was basically how I spent the rest of 2014.   I would be home for a couple weeks and then head back to Cincinnati to be with Diane and her family.   Honestly, I was at her home more than I was at my own that year.  I have to say here how AMAZING my own family was during this time!!   My husband stayed home and took care of the house, our daughter and son, and most days our 2 grandchildren.  He never once complained or asked me to stay home.  He is truly the one that God created just for me!!  I am so blessed to be able to say I am his wife!! read more

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Why a Blog Challenge


So I have been challenged to write about why I have a blog.   When I first accepted this challenge , I thought well that is easy.  I do it to keep my own sanity.  To give you a brief explanation of what I mean , my blog is my way of getting my daily trials and tribulations down on Grandparents raising Grandchildren in addition to other ramblings in my life.   I also do some product reviews for different brands.. The other subject that I cover in my blog is dealing with Chronic Pain.      read more

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Sibling Rivalry!!


What do you do when you have 2 siblings that are only a year apart in age, and they start bickering and fighting non stop?   I can remember when the girls were each other’s best friends.   They would play together and yes occasionally, we would have the sisterly fight.  But that was the abnorm, not the norm.    Things have taken a turn recently and while I know it is normal to fight and fuss with your sibling, it doesn’t make it any easier to correct from a parental role. read more

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Many years ago, a friend of mine told me that she had to get her laundry done that day, when I called her on New Year’s Eve morning and asked what she was up to that day.  She went on to tell me that if her laundry wasn’t all done by New Year’s Day, that she was sure to never be able to catch up all year.  The funny part about that, is that the comment stuck with me, and so yes every year after that, I make sure that all the laundry in the house is done on New Year’s Eve.  (with a family as large as mine, why chance it?) read more

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Hot Tea Month Giveaway

National Hot Tea Month Great opportunity for Tea Drinkers!    Want to cuddle up and stay warm with some wonderful tea?    Enter below to win a 40  count variety box of single servings!!
January is a time for new beginnings, health, and family. Most of us have already made resolutions of one sort or another. Those that are simple to incorporate into our lives are the ones that we are most likely to stick with past January. The potential benefits of adding tea to our diets, it can aid in the ongoing battle of the bulge and increase the body’s immunity to colds and flu, in addition to that fact that it is so inexpensive makes it an easy addition to our routine. A positive change that we are likely to keep.
By no coincidence, January is also National Hot Tea Month. The healthiest teas are teas that are pure (no milk or sweeteners). If you want to drink them every day, you can – they’re good for you! So whether you’re drinking to new beginnings, your health, or domestic harmony, we’ve got a giveaway that will help you celebrate Hot Tea Month.

Read Full Review HERE

Thanks to our generous sponsor four lucky readers are going to win a 40-Count Variety Box of Stash Tea to start off their new year right! A total retail value of over a $100. Entering on the giveaway widget is easy and the more entries you complete the better your chances are to win! Enter Today & Good Luck!

☕ 4 will #WIN a #DashofStash when this Hot Tea Month #Giveaway ends 1/31 □ Join Me & Enter Too! Welcome To The Stash
Hot Tea Month
GiveawayDates: January 1, 2017 at 12:01 am EST through January 31, 2017 at 11:59 pm EST

Prize: FOUR lucky readers will win a 40 Count Variety Box of Stash Tea Single Serve Cups.

Hosted By: PaulaMS’ Giveaways, Reviews, & Freebies
Sponsored By: Stash Single Serve Teas
Co-Hosted By: IMHO Views, Reviews, and Giveaways and Deliciously Savvy read more

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New Years Day and Black Eyed Peas


When I was little, every year my dad would cook Corned Beef and Cabbage for New Year’s Day   He would also serve Black Eyed Peas, and we all had to have our Black Eyed Peas sometime during the day.   As I got older and started my own family, I decided to carry on that tradition.

I sat here today, thinking oh my….I better get to the store and get my Corned Beef and Black Eyed Peas.   Now I must admit, that I have always done the peas the lazy way, and just bought them in a  can, warmed them up and that was our dish.   I may add a little bacon if I was feeling a little “festive” that day, but for the most part I just cut up some onion and added to the canned peas.   I personally love them, although I can’t say that for the rest of the family.  My hubby likes them as much as I do, however the kids are a different story.  Of course that didn’t stop me from mandating that they ate them each year.    My daughter, Tiffany, always holds her nose and swallows.   She seriously hates them!!  I only require they have a teaspoonful each New Years, so she manages.   This year she is pregnant , so I am curious to see how that goes over.   LOL  My granddaughters have decided that they way their Aunt Tiffany eats the peas is the best way to get through the mandate of having to have their teaspoonful each year.   read more

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Bath and Body Addiction!!!


I have a small confession….I am a Bath and Body addict!!   Many years ago, while I was staying with my little sister on a visit, I used some of her Bath and Body shower gel, and I was instantly in love with their products.  On that same visit, we went to a sale that they were having and I bought so much that I had to purchase another bag to take on the flight home.  That was the beginning of my addiction.

Now, I have to admit, I have no desire to have any kind of intervention or rehab for my addiction.  All I need to know is when the next Semi Annual Sale will be and I can go get my Bath and Body fix!!   The good news…..that sale is happening NOW!!  Twice a year, they have a sale with 75% off the seasons scents, and that is when I go and stock up!!  They also have a ton at 50% off and some great buys on their hand soaps!!      I purchase not only for myself, but for my kids for birthdays, Christmas etc.    The Semi Annual Sale happens in the Summer time and then again, right after Christmas.  I always save enough of my Christmas fund, to go shopping afterwards!!   read more

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