College Road Trip!


This week I will be making a our 1st road trip to visit a College Campus with my son.    He has already been accepted to Austin Peay University, and so we are going to go see the campus / dorms and see what they have to offer.   He is applying at another college, but we haven’t heard back from them yet.  I am fairly certain that we will have another road trip to plan for a College Campus tour there as well.

I have found myself sitting here the past several days, wondering where the past 4 years have gone?  I swear to you it feels as though he JUST entered High School.  Yet in just 7 short months he will be a High School graduate and have his last summer at home as a “child”.   I find myself getting super excited to see where life leads him as he continues on to College, and yet sad to see him leave home.  I am not sure I am going to be able to handle this one!!   This is my baby, that I am talking about.     He has a huge heart and is willing to help his dad and I with absolutely anything we ask of him.  Although honestly, we don’t ask him to do much…simply because his schedule is so full already, but we know he is there when we ask. read more

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Dentalcheck up


So I know that a visit to the dentist and having a “good” report is not all that exciting to most people, but I have to explain a little as to why we are super excited here in my home!   Ok, so maybe I am the one super excited!!

I have had my  2 granddaughters living with me for about 1 1/2 years now.  When they first came to live with me, they hadn’t been to a dentist since they were little, they are now 9 and 10.   When I got them, I made several appointments, and of course the dentist was one of them.   Needless to say, that was NOT an appointment that we got any good news at.    The youngest one had so much work that needed to be done, she was referred out to a Pediatric Dentist, so they could give her some laughing gas and get her work done in just 2 or 3 visits.   The older one had a lot of appointments and cavities to have filled, but it wasn’t as intense.  That was August of last year.  laughing-gas read more

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Living with Chronic Pain

Most people see me and don’t know the pain that I live with each day.  I do my best to mask it, as I decided several years ago, to not broadcast to people, what I am dealing with on a daily basis.  I don’t see how it benefits anybody if I let them know whether I am having a “good” day or a “bad” day, in regards to my pain levels.   You see I have one of those “hidden” diseases.   It began over 25 years ago, and it wasn’t until about 6 1/2 years ago, that I couldn’t take it anymore.  Up until that point, if I had a bad day, I would call out of work and stay on a heating pad for a day or so.   I have hereditary degenerative  disk disease, that I didn’t do anything about until there was so much damage, that there were very few options left for me. read more

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New Grandbaby


On May 2nd, I was blessed by my middle daughter, Tiffany, with a gorgeous new granddaughter. She came into this world so tiny, only weighing 6lbs, 8 oz. I believe out of all the babies in our family, that she is the tiniest one we have had yet. She was born healthy as can be, and although I am a little prejudice , I believe she is just the most amazing, beautiful little human ever! I have always heard it said, that when you become a grandparent, it is a kind of love that you can’t describe. When I would hear that, I would think , there is no way that I would be able to love anything more or even similiar to what I felt about my own children when they were born. I am here to tell you, with this being my 3rd grandchild, the statement that it is a special amazing different kind of love, is so true!! If you don’t have any grandchildren yet, you won’t understand. However, once you have one, you will totally get what I am saying! The love that you feel when you look at them is something that is undescribable. You almost feel as though your heart will burst out of your chest with the love you feel for this tiny human being that has just come into the world!! My daughter surprised me when she told me her full name. They named her , Serenity Sky Ann Kelly. The reason it was a surprise, was because they chose her middle name Ann, after myself and her other grandmother. Now I don’t want to take away from the other grandma, but in my mind, she is named after me. LOL read more

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The Weaver

Here is a poem that really speaks to my heart. I thought it would be great to share it here for others to enjoy. I wish I knew who to give the credit to, but the Auther is unknown.
Praying it blesses you as much as it does me!

My life is but a weaving
Between the Lord and me;
I may not choose the colors–
He knows what they should be.

For He can view the pattern
Upon the upper side
While I can see it only
On this, the under side.

Sometimes He weaves in sorrow,
Which seems so strange to me;
But I will trust His judgment
And work on faithfully. read more

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Emotional Days

We had a good day, although it was an emotional and busy one. It started out with the girls (granddaughters) going to their first counseling appointment. This is something that they have needed to have in place for about 6 months, but just wasn’t possible until recently.

I am very blessed to have found a wonderful woman that the girls instantly “clicked” with. I must admit that I wasn’t prepared for the reaction that I saw in the youngest granddaughter, Natalie. I knew that Angela was going to find it easy to talk with a counselor, and I thought that Natalie would just follow along. However, what I saw today after our initial “meet and greet” with the counselor was a little girl who was all of sudden faced with the fact that she might have to deal with some of the feelings that she has been burying down deep. Because of her age, she doesn’t know how to verbally express that, so instead, those emotions and fears come out in her behavior. She has always been the happy child, that is always smiling and doesn’t let you know that she is upset by anything. However, what I saw today after our counseling appointment was a little girl that was crying at the drop of a hat and being extremely combative . She is hurt, mad and confused. It breaks my heart to watch them go through this, and all I can do is love on them and pray. read more

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Grandparents raising grandbabies

Angela natalie goofing off (2)

I look around my life and I find that there are so many people that I know that are grandparents and they are raising their grandchildren.  Where are the parents?   Sadly, this is the world that we live in, we see more and more families with this situation.  I never thought in a million years, that I would be joining the ranks of this group of grandparents, but here I am.

I have 2 beautiful grand daughters, ages 8 and 9 that I love with all my heart. I have been in their lives since the day they were born, in fact my husband (Papa) cut the youngest ones umbilical cord.  They were at my house as much, if not more, than they were in their own homes.  You see, they lived right behind me in an apartment that my husband and I own until last spring.  My daughter decided to move and shortly after that , the girls came to live with me. read more

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