Social Media Effects

Social media could be the lead cause of suicide. Social media has been ruining the young for many years now and it is only getting worse. The youth are becoming more addicted to each social media and there are more and more platforms coming out all the time now. Social media practically ruined any kind of privacy people use to have and are ruining relationships or future job opportunities.

            It is important for the parents to realize that there is a problem with social media and to limit their children from the use of it. There is a lack of restraint among social media users and the legal guardians of such. Eliminating the use of social media could bring rebellion within the household but limitation with replacement of another activity could be very healthy for not only the child but for the entire family as a whole. There are scenarios where parents are not limiting their kids amount of time and dedication to social media because they are just as addicted to it as their kids are, if not worse. There have been multiple accounts where I have been out to dinner and I see the entire family sitting there on their phones on social media and only looking up to get a bite to eat. If children are limited their use of social media, we could have a lot of issues resolved for the children’s mental health and social interaction. read more

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Fun, Safe Ways to Bond With Your Grandchildren

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Grandchildren are one of life’s blessings from above. Children are bundles of joy, even if they sometimes also seem to be bundles of endless energy. Like most grandparents, you probably are eager to spend more time with them, especially while they are young. When spending time with your grandchildren, you’ll probably want to consider activities that are entertaining for everyone while also keeping the children engaged. Of course, it’s also important to choose activities and experiences that are not only fun, but are equally safe for yourself and your grandchildren. read more

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More on K12 Homeschooling

It feels like forever since I last made a post about our Homeschool adventures!

Maybe that is because it really has been awhile since I was last on here with any updates.  Needless to say, I have been a little busy.

We have just finished up the 3rd quarter, and the girls are taking Benchmark testing this week.  Ugh! Yes, we are still having to do state testing with the program we are using, K12. There is a small part of me that is ok with that, because both girls are wanting to go back to brick and mortar school next year.  So that being the case, I want them used to doing the tests. However, I have to say the testing that public schools do with our kids, is one of the biggest issues I have with them. I have learned this past quarter, more than any other time in my life raising kids , that our public education system is truly teaching our kids to test.   I think I will stop with that, .I don’t want to get started on that subject with this post….because I believe that is a subject I can cover all by itself!! read more

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Back to School with K12

I thought I would give a short update on how our school year has gone up to this point with K12  

The girls have thoroughly enjoyed their winter break and we are ready to get started in our 3rd semester of  Public School Online using the K12 system. 

I will admit, we have had some huge adjustments and it hasn’t all been a  bed of roses!!    TNVA (Tennessee Virtual Academy) is the school that K12 uses for our area.   The 1st semester TNVA did a bunch of changes, and of course the girls were adjusting to learning in a virtual environment.   We had some teacher changes half way through the semester, which was a big adjustment, in addition to some technical changes on how to use the systems they had provided us.   read more

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Trick or Treat OR Harvest Festivals?

Halloween is always such a fun time around my house.  I can remember when my kids were little and we would do all the traditional things:  carve pumpkins, go to Harvest Festivals, house to house Trick or Treating, etc.   

I know that we live in a day and age, that a lot of people are scared to go house to house trick or treating, but in our home we have always taken the kids house to house.  Yes, I am particular where I take them and I am very blessed to live in a part of the country that I don’t have to worry as much as some other places I have lived in the past.  ( I have lived places that I wouldn’t take my kids out)   I know that no matter where you live and how safe you feel, we must always as parents be cautious on what we are giving our children, and I follow those rules.   But as the night draws near to take the kids out this next week, it made me wonder how many people still take their kids house to house Trick or Treating???    In our little town, I would venture to say that about half if not more of the kids do go to house to house.   read more

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K12 Homeschool , we have began!!

I started homeschooling both my 4th and 6th grade granddaughters this  last week, with the help of their mom.   I figured I would put a short post out there about it , just to update y’all a little bit of what our new classroom looks like.


We made this decision for multiple reasons, which I will explain via another post soon.  But we chose the K12 program , which is basically home school via the Public School System.  It is offered Nationwide and is a free program. read more

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Summer Time Updates! Twins and more!

We have lots of exciting news in our family, so I thought it was time I share with my followers what is going on in the world of Nana and family!!

Sisters pregnant together

Our late Spring/ early Summer started out with BOTH my daughters pregnant at the same time!!   They were only a couple weeks apart on their due dates.   Our oldest daughter, Crystal expecting twins (a boy and a girl)  and Tiffany expecting a girl.

Kenneth, 5 days old
Karra , 5 days old

Crystal’s twins,  Kenneth and Karra were born at 4:02 pm , 7/11/17, weighing in at 4.2 lbs , 17 inches long and 4.1 lbs , 16.5 inches long.   They were premature, as mom was only 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant.  Even though they came 2 weeks earlier than we had hoped, they are doing fantastic!!   They were born breathing on their own, although Karra did have to have a little oxygen to give her a  small kick start and she had a feeding tube the 1st 48  hours as well.    As of today, they are 1 week old and their pediatrician is extremely happy with how they have progressed.   They  have been in an isolette since they were born to assist them in maintaining their body temperatures.   Each day  , they have been weaned down just a little , and today we were told that hopefully by tomorrow Karra will be able to move to a regular crib.  Their little isolette monitors have to be at 28 for a 24 hour period.  We will know more tomorrow on that.   Her brother Kenneth is right behind her, as his monitor is reading 28.5.   read more

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Mosquitos Repellent

Avoiding Mosquito Bites WITHOUT using spray!

I have been one of those parents that have always used the variety of bug sprays that you buy at your local department store , that you spray all over your family to avoid the horrendous attack of mosquitoes each year.  It is expensive and they don’t work half the time!

I  want to share with you a WONDERFUL way to avoid these nasty little things WITHOUT using chemicals and the horrible smell that goes along with it.   In addition to mosquito bites being itchy and uncomfortable, they have the potential to carry West Nile Virus and other diseases.    So protecting yourself and your family is important! read more

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