April 17, 2018
Social media could be the lead cause of suicide. Social media has been ruining the young for many years now and it is only getting worse. The youth are becoming more addicted to each social media and there are more and more platforms coming out all the time now. Social media practically ruined any kind of privacy people use to have and are ruining relationships or future job opportunities.
It is important for the parents to realize that there is a problem with social media and to limit their children from the use of it. There is a lack of restraint among social media users and the legal guardians of such. Eliminating the use of social media could bring rebellion within the household but limitation with replacement of another activity could be very healthy for not only the child but for the entire family as a whole. There are scenarios where parents are not limiting their kids amount of time and dedication to social media because they are just as addicted to it as their kids are, if not worse. There have been multiple accounts where I have been out to dinner and I see the entire family sitting there on their phones on social media and only looking up to get a bite to eat. If children are limited their use of social media, we could have a lot of issues resolved for the children’s mental health and social interaction.