
Category Archives: General


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cowboy candy Do you or your family love hot stuff? Of course this recipe is only as hot as your Jalapeno’s are. I have made about 6 or 7 batches of this so far in the past couple weeks. Some of them have not been so hot and others , well let’s just say my […]

Simple Ways to Supplement Your Child’s Education at Home

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Simple Ways to Supplement Your Child’s Education at Home
#kids, #education, #children, #teaching, #raisingkids, #backtoschool


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As we start to come to the end of Summer and enter into Fall, I figured it would be fun to make a list of my favorite parts of Fall.  I did this several years back and had fun writing about it. Sitting on our back deck by the firepit: Roasting marshmallows with the grandkids.  […]

How To Help Children Face Life’s Extraordinary Challenges

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How To Help Children Face Life’s Extraordinary Challenges
#children, #kids, #challenges, #raisingkids, #grandchildren, #struggles, #rolemodeling, #kidsplaytime, #refresh

A Daughter’s Tale

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So my middle child had to write a paper about somebody she admired. I am humbled to share with you the article she wrote for her college class. When I read what she wrote, she had me in tears, because she chose to write about me. As a mom, we pray that we have an […]

Buckeye Cookies

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1 Box Fudge Brownie Mix 4 oz Cream Cheese, softened 1/4 cup Butter, melted 1 Large Egg 1 Cup Peanut Butter 1 Cup Powdered Sugar 1 Cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine brownie mix, butter ,cream cheese, and egg in a bowl , blend together using a mixer. (if you have […]

How My Blog Has Developed Over Time

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I realized the other day that I have been blogging for 7 years as of December of this year, 2021.   It really doesn’t seem as though it has been that long.  As the saying goes, where has the time gone?   The funny part about blogging , at least my blog, is that it […]

How to keep your kids busy during the holiday break

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During the summer your kids can go outside and play from sun up to sundown. They can ride bikes, swing on their swing set, or play on a slip n slide. But in the winter in most climates, it is too cold during their holiday break to play outside.  My kids typically get a two […]